Sunday, February 26, 2012

Santorum Comes From Behind In Alabama Three Way

Look, I really don't want to know what an Alabama Three way is. I am having a very hard time believing that this headline was written in an objective manner, but then perhaps, that is the up side of having a filthy mind. I hope it's not a joke that starts with, "Well, Rick Santorum walks into a bar and sitting there is a Catholic priest having a drink with his date, a donkey...."
Rather than further soil my pristine mind with a sordid photoshop episode, I'll give you the photo of Mitt Romneys reely beeg Detroit rally at Ford Field:
and, the even bigger protest out side as he was speaking:

1 comment:

  1. Hello Microdot,
    I am hoping that I am seeing MORE outside than what was inside.
