Friday, February 24, 2012

Shit Santorum Says

Here's a clip of Little Rickie doing what he does best...Just pure lying and talking shit. You can put stuff in his mouth like the guy who does the great Bad Lip Reading videos does, but if you really listened to the the Real Little Rickie, he does a great job of it by his own little self. In this clip, he pontificates about abortion and euthanasia in the Netherlands. It doesn't matter that he doesn't know what he is talking aout and he just pulling phony figures out of his ass. His ignorant fan base couldn't give a damn, they don't need facts, they don't need to actually think...Little Rickie tells them what to think. And, of course, we can blame the totally lame American Media for their softball intellectually vapid interviews. (David Gregory? Am I talkin' to you?)
No wonder the rest of the world is appalled at this clown. He is an international laughing stock and making America the Butt of his joke. This clip generated a bit of controversy in Holland. Here's the link for a reddit page of comments about it. Here are a few of the Dutch comments...I warn you, as I warn everyone, The Dutch can't really be trusted with the concept of "humor" we understand it:

Santorum is wrong. It's actually much worse than that. I remember this one time my grandmother got so high on drugs at a government organised prostitution party she lost her ’Please don't euthanise me' bracelet. She was euthanised on the spot. Also, children under 12 are required to wear a 'Please don't abort me' bracelet. Only if they don't want to be aborted obviously.
Well there you have the ugly truth. I have to go now as I have to drive my GF to her weekly abortion. Bye!
Americans should start wearing please don't taze me bracelets
 We mainly try to avoid wearing anything electrically conductive.
I wear a self-made shirt with two electrical plates charged to a million volts or so. It sends a large bucked of electrons back to the tazer so it explodes in the user's hand rendering it useless.
I am not familiar with this notation. How many Libraries of Congress does a bucked of electrons convert to?
Make sure you wear the 'Please don't same-sex-marry me' bracelet!
 I noticed sir, you've forgotten yours and I gay married you while you weren't looking.
.....A cup of tea would be wonderful, darling.
I have to go now as I have to drive my GF to her weekly abortion.
If Netherlanders ovulate weekly, how long do their periods last?
One and a half hours, at which time you see the bars filled with married men. That's right, every woman begins their period at the same time. Sometimes you can hear the nagging from the other side of the world.
careful you dont get stopped by the police and get euthanised on the spot for speeding
My wife is Dutch about about shit herself with anger from watching this clip. DO NOT SHOW THIS CLIP TO YOUR DUTCH SPOUSE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO CHANGE HER PANTS
 Why do you have to change your wife's pants? She's a grown woman, isn't she?
She was wearing a PLEASE CHANGE MY PANTS bracelet
Don't mind what Rick Santorum says; the man is a fucking idiot. Unfortunately, so is half of America.


  1. Santorum, ugh! He's riding high in Ohio, Microdot. One poll gives his 80%!!!

    Yes, the Fundamentalists just LOVE him because, after all, God chose him to lead this nation...

    Sick, or what?

  2. Loved the comment thread in the link you sent on reddit! Thanks for this one, too...

    Can you imagine how much fun it ISN'T to exchange bodily fluids with someone as anal retentive as this asshole?
    Downright frothy, I'd guess...

  3. this is awesome. has anyone seen this video? good summary 
