Wednesday, February 15, 2012

When Big Joan Sets Up

Another Magic Band piece as part of the on going Night of The Living Van Vliet Festival which is so far a Euro Zone Festival...please visit Mikeb302000 in Rome, to fully experience the extreme shazashizzleyoshissnesss of this extremely tasty event! I am posting this in response to the a comment by a person who would prefer to be known as anonymous, who tried to scholarly dispute the time frame of The Captains work. I, of course, dispute the needless relevance to such tawdry concepts as time and the  even more tedious idea of But, in the spirit of intellectual accuracy, I would like to post this piece from 1971. Krikey, I actually saw this on television, or perhaps I only think I did, given the time frame of the dates...1971, Channel 56 alternative Detroit Music Program TubeWorks...
The Magic Band doing one of the ultimate funkiest pieces of music ever written, When Big Joan Sets Up, originally on Trout Mask Replica and one of my faves from the era, Woe is AmoeBop from one of my favorite records of all fucking time...okay...I'm tediously referring to time again, sorry,
but it just gets better.....


  1. Thanks so much for the posts and the personal anecdotes. I'm enjoying these days so much, each day listening to Beefheart CDs and considering which track I might post.

    The more I listen the more I like.

  2. rien de tout! c'est mon plaisir!
    It has given me a chance to rediscover and this artist who so profoundly influenced me at a very molten period of my life...I was a hot maleable piece of metal and the captain wielded the hammer that forged the very strange shape of my life...what a great artist!

  3. I'm going to post more today....I want to link to zencomix! I saw you have posted a piece on facebook...great idea!
