Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Dunkin Stool!

I have to admit that my first reaction to seeing this video was perhaps in a way sexist...Is it possible to bring back the dunkin stool? know the way the used to try witches in the old days?...They would tie the suspected witch to the stool, and lower it into water. If the suspect floated, then they were supernaturally deemed innocent, but if they sunk and drowned after repeated dunkings, then of course it was the good lords judgement that the suspect was probably guilty of being a witch. I kind of believe that since Republicans are trying to force us back into the 17th century, they might actually be cool with this concept. If they are, could we please start with this lady?
But we don't have to be sexist, the dunkin stool might be a much more interesting way for the Republicans to hold their primaries...I mean, if it were Santorum, Romney or Gingrich...would any of them actually float? Sorry, I forgot the old saying...shit floats. Perhaps not such a good idea.
But back to McMorris Rodgers and her insane statements here, daring to spin reality that Democrats are scaring women to drum up votes. Obviously, she is not serious, just out of her fucking skull, let's take a little walk down the GOP retro fuckery lane of horror:
Republican legislators want to shove foreign objects up womens vaginas.
Republicans compare women to fucking farm animals.
Republican legislators demand that women must carry DEAD Fetuses in their wombs, because that's the way it works on the farm.
Republican want to tax women for abortions.
Republicans are trying and have nearly succeeded to deny women access to any kind of health care what  so ever if it offends their twisted sense of morality.
Republicans are trying to legislate forcing women to view an abortion before having one.
Republicans are now trying to legislate requiring permission from the man, (father? rapist? who cares?) before being allowed to have an abortion.
Republicans want to force women to have to tell their employers if they are using the pill for birth control.
Republican think that a baby conceived by rape is a gift from god.
Republicans say contraception is unnecessary, just hold an aspirin between your knees.
And rape is just a figment of a woman's over heated imagination.....
As far as Republicans are concerned, women are sluts for wanting insurance coverage for contraception, after all they think birth control is just a pill to let them have all the sex they want when ever with who ever....and maybe the girls could afford to pay their own way if they stopped drinking so many soy lattes.....

Honestly, is this simply the work of Democrats trying to scare women or are we letting the Republicans drag us all back to the 17th Century? Because, if that's the case, I'm all for the return of the dunkin stool! Or is McMorris Rodgers simply out of her fucking skull?

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