Friday, March 09, 2012

International Day Of The Woman Ritual Celebration

Yesterday was The International Day Of The Woman.  I was too busy "celebrating" to actually post anything about it. It was day of joyous ritual ceremonies that included splitting wood, digging up and landscaping a new section for roses and assembling a new fold out couch bed that arrived by truck with instructions that had to be interpreted by an Egyptologist expert on hieroglyphics.
Then I made dinner.  Here is what I made. Cleo's Daddy's Fried Chicken! The best damn fried chicken on the planet, the recipe is my interpretation of the authentic fried chicken sold for years at John's Fried Chicken on East 116th Street in Harlem. Pretty simple:
Take chicken pieces....I usually buy whole legs and thighs and cut them up myself. I put them in a big bowl and finely grate, let's just say liquefy an onion. I have a few of those new micro planeer graters. Then you put in two or so teaspoons of's not exact. Then add a tablespoons of mustard. Since I am in France, I use regular strong Dijon, but in America, you can use good ole' yellow American mustard. Then, I pour in some milk, just enough to cover the pieces and mix it all together with my hands.
Then I cover the bowl with some cling film and let it sit in the fridge for at least 6 hours. 
Then I get a broiler pan and put foil in the bottom and preheat the oven...geez, my oven is celsius...225 degrees is about a 400 degree fahrenheit oven.
Then I heat some oil in a big frying pan and get put some flour on a plate. Take the pieces of chicken from the milk mixture, dredge them in the flour and fry them in the oil until they get nice and golden. For the best results, I try not to crowd the chicken pieces in the frying pan. Then, as the pieces get golden, take them out of the pan, put them in the broiler pan and put the chicken into the oven for 25 minutes.
Then they really get crispy, all the fat goes out of the chicken and they get completely done.  Please, don't take my word for it, listen to my wife, she's the brains of this organization, who says it is the best damn chicken on the planet!


  1. Hello Microdot,
    I am proud to say that I cook with wine for many of my recipes……sometimes I even put it into the food.

  2. Thanks for the recipe
    the Ol'Buzzard
