Wednesday, March 28, 2012

La Bonne Etoile

My buddy, Clement, just started a pretty cool blog about music. Musicoldnews. It's in French, but Clement writes and speaks english better than he thinks he does. I'm sure if you commented in english, he would be very pleased. So far it is a very eclectic and very interesting mix of old and new music which relate. One of the first posts is about Icelandic Pop. It exists you know...where do you think Bjork comes from? I saw the band she was in during the 80's, The SugarCubes, in New York at CBGB.
He did a post on guitarists and one of the guitarists he featured was Mathieu Chedid, or the artist formerly known as M...Mathieu has been one of my favorite French artists for years. When he first started to perform, he created a fantasy persona, M. He seemed to think that he needed to become a super hero on stage to over come his shyness...In the last few years, he has shed the M persona and has actually acknowledged his cultural roots. He is of Lebanese origin and his father is the French Pop composer and performer, Louis Chedid. His grandmother was the Egyptian/Lebanese writer,  Andree Chedid.
As M, Mathieu developed into a very interesting guitarist and singer. He developed a teasing falsetto style and ceaselessly experimented musically. He has collaborated with many French artists. Recently with Vanessa Paradis and actually wrote and produced much of Johnny Hallydays last record. He collaborated with Sean Lennon on Seans upcoming musical project as well as recording and performing with him.
This is a live 2007 performance of his piece La bonne etoile and he collaborates with the cellist Vincent Segal.
Segal is one of the most eclectic cellists around. He is presently performing and recording incredible music with the Malian kora master, Ballake Sissoko, which I featured on this blog last year.....actually, it was 2 years ago, April 2010!


  1. Dottie- First, I don't expect you to interact with the gang at my blog. Just me, but if you don't want to, that's cool too. Just hoping for some input from a Dem Buddy. Second, sorry about the Rivera misread. Guess I just read it the wrong way. Last but not least, I will definitely check out your Bud's blog, but you guys need to go easy on me. I am not as musically well rounded as you are. :)

    P.S. Like your new pick. Looking buff old-man...LOLOLOLOLO

  2. no problem...I will definitely go back to your blog and try to comment. Sometimes I just get too pissed off when I see what I think is a solid wall of idiocy and those dudes were sure building one in your abortion thread.I actually was so intrigued that I clicked on 10th Generations profile and looked at his blog. He was using a quote by Mark Twain which he obviously was incapable of understanding that Twain was being ironically humorous and people like 10th were the object of his humor, but that's what happens when you get your quotes from a box of crackerjacks withut knowing the context...
    Yeah, my photo...more of my idiocy on display...well, it's almost like summer here...I almost have a nephew was a lot rougher with me on it...I told him that it took me 62 years to achieve this look...but then he's doing iron man competitions and is a little monster.
    I referred to Vanessa Paradis in the she known in the USA? She's the actress and singer who has been living with Johnny Depp for the last 12 years.
    I think she's done some work in American movies....

  3. In the U.S., she's ONLY known as Depp's woman. Oh well.....
