Friday, March 16, 2012

Lophophora Williamsii
a small endangered native american cactus. It may not have spines, but it
is probably has one of the most effectively evolved defense systems
in the plant world. unfortunately, it's vegetable intelligence,  ironically interacting
 with humans might be the real cause of it's endangered status.


  1. WE are the dangerous species.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  2. My friend, this little cactus has done more for humans than you might ever imagine. I think, perhaps, this little cactus is a an intelligence enabling entity in itself...did we evolve side by side with it? I've grown them from seeds provided by one I found that was for all purposes a dead dessicated husk of vegetable material, but after caring for it for a few years, it flowered and started to clump. If you are interested, I can give you my recipe for a Lophophora williamsii daquiri.....
    A very pleasant way to enable this biological interaction to occur.....
