Monday, March 26, 2012

So, Your Honor, I Just Had To Do Away With Him

So, this morning I remembered that I had seen a Fox News hoodie sweatshirt and I wanted to go to the FOX NEWS Store web site and see if I could order one of these bad boys....
but when I tried to find the item, and I searched, believe me...this was all that the FOX News website store had for me....
They took it off line? This very popular temporarily unavailable? But, I have to have one, NOW! Now, I'm sure that the extremely hip and stylish Geraldo Rivera has a closet full of these stylish items stashed away the way, here's two photos, can you please tell me which one is Geraldo Rivera?
The one on the right? Are you sure? Because if I saw either of these two jerks on my lawn in a FOX News hoodie, reachin' in his pocket to fondle his Skittles, I would have to tell my wife to get my goddam gun because I would be in mortal fear of the clear and present danger that the dreaded 70's Porn Legend, Harry  Reems was going to do some kind of a porno on my front lawn. "You see, your honor, it was like this.... I just had to shoot the man"....and if I was in Florida, I'd probably get a medal, either way.


  1. Yep, they are covering it up (as it were).

  2. Dottie- Don't you think you're jumping to conclusions just as gun-right advocates (As I am) are? The investigation isn't even over yet.

  3. And am I jumping to conclusions here? My post was about our national hack jackass Geraldo, jumping to conclusions, the hypocritical cynical attitude of Fox and using Geraldos own stereotyping false logic regarding appearances and by the way have you ever seen Rivera's real birth certificate. I think the only way we'll ever know if he isn't really Harry Reems is if we depants him and then afte his propensity for cosmetic surgery, (I'm sure you remember the butt fat forehead implant he publicly had on TV back in the 80's,) how could we ever know for sure?

  4. btw, job, i was over at your blog yesterday, but you don't expect me to actually interact with the nasty gang of geeks commenting on your abortion thread? I think that if I actually knew any of these dudes, I might start pitying them, and who the fuck needs that?

  5. Ten years older and fifty pounds heavier - and armed with a pistol: yeah, it was self defense.
    the Ol'Buzzard
