Sunday, April 22, 2012

Doesn't This Mean Ryan Is A Lying Liar?

I am reprinting this from The BuzzFlash blog!  If this information isn't in your face everywhere this week, then the Democrats and Progressives of America have failed miserably at "messaging"! Everytime the Republicans go off on their hysterical claims that Social Security is bankrupt, we hear wildy different figures and numbers, depending on the level of hysteria the particular lying liar is trying to generate. The biiger question is : Why do they want to dismantle Social Security?  The paranoia about the Social Security System is a big scam. This is our money...we created and paid for this system and these sleaze bags want to raid it and turn it into a crap shoot to benefit the insurance, investment institutions and banks who are funding these criminally insane crooks! The numbers are here and the system is not only viable, healthy and growing, as it exists now, it will be functioning as it is planned well into the 22nd Century!

Get ready for the pro-Paul Ryan austerity headlines that will predict an imminent demise of Social Security. On April 23, the Social Security Trustees Report for 2012 is expected to be released - and you can expect that the shills for the one percent will be blaring that seniors may need to live on cat food if the US is going to be saved from financial ruin.
But an advance analysis of the report on the financial status of the program, posted on NiemanWatchdog, argues that "last year's report projected that at the end of 2011, Social Security would have an accumulated surplus of around $2.7 trillion, which it now has. This year's report will show that it will be even higher at the end of 2012."
That's right, the current $2.7 trillion surplus of Social Security funds is expected to rise by the end of this year.
According to the commentary by Nancy Altman and Eric Kingson, "without any Congressional action, Social Security will continue to pay benefits to America's eligible working families for decades; and that with modest legislated increases in revenue, it will continue to pay those benefits for the next century and beyond."
The authors warn the media not to jump on the Social Security fund is about to implode band wagon when the Trustees Report is issued, as has happened in years past. The facts of the report should trump the memes from the Koch brothers public relations machine touting a deficit reduction crisis.
"Discussing Social Security in the context of the deficit debate risks reinforcing the widespread misperception that the government is stealing the contributions of hardworking Americans," Altman and Kingson contend.
Instead of carrying the water for a manufactured political agenda, journalists should attend to reporting on the real crisis: older Americans are facing the increasing likelihood of falling into a much lower standard of living.
As Altman and Kingson warn,
The Retirement Research Center at Boston College estimates that nearly one half of Americans will not be able to maintain their standard of living in old age; 6 out of 10 when health and long-term care costs are included in the estimate. The finances and retirement savings of many persons nearing retirement have been hit hard by the Great Recession, the collapse of the housing market and loss of pension protections. Decades-long shifts in the economy and pension coverage have diminished the upward mobility and income prospects of many young and middle-aged persons.
That is the real dilemma facing the nation: the survival of the majority of our elderly on such limited budgets.
The one percent who want to cut Social Security to enhance their own lined pockets of greed should be shouted down when the Trustees Report is released.


  1. Hello Microdot,
    I just wanted to pass on that I am looking forward and want to follow with anticipation of the French elections today. I know that the French polling institutes will not release exit polls or projected results for the presidential election on Sunday before voting ends at 8 P.M. today.

    If the Conservative nut job Sarkozy is purged from the leadership of France, then there is a good chance that the American Voters will follow by getting rid of our scamming right wing fanatics opting for those who will represent the working middle class citizens instead of the Corporate Corruption forces.

    That being said, I am still afraid of yet another stolen election this time by the purging of the voting roles within the States by the Extreme Right Wing that is control of those States. The corrupt scamming of removing those whom would not be voting in favor of their sick political agenda mandate the subjugating of women to a second, and yes, even third class citizenship.

    After all it worked so well in Florida during the 2000 elections that negated the vast majority citizen’s mandate, no reason it cannot be applied and repeated nationwide for this election.

  2. Yeah, I've been trying not to think about politics, but the buzz here is pretty exciting. Now there is a projected 80% turnout...which would make it the biggest turnout since the Mitterand election.
    The biggest abstentions seem to be the most conservative places...the buzz around Hollande and Melenchon's headquarters is incredible. I don't want to project too much, but it looks very very good.
