Saturday, April 28, 2012

Rouge Gorge

This is the very common, at least where I live, little bird called a rouge gorge. Very bold little guys...they investigate the earth when ever I start digging. I've had them land on me. They are here all winter and they can get very fat. Rouge Gorge translates to red breast. The English call them Robins, but I have to explain to them that the bird in America which we call a Robin has nothing to do with a Rouge Gorge.


  1. I thought a robin was different, the so called robin red breast. What we call a robin looks more like this:

    Ours is in the thrus family, while I think yours is different.

    I thought the french word 'gorge' translated as throat rather than breast.

    I'm thinking of my school days translation of the song Allouette

    'je te plumerai la gorge....'?

  2. sorry - that should have read 'thrusH' family

  3. that's right. An American Robin is a thrush.
    Gorge is a word that denotes the entire breast.
    A brassiere though it sounds to be a french term is actually referred to here as a soutien-gorge. That would refer to the top of two piece woman's bathing suit.
    but then again, gorge is an imprecise word that depends on its usage. It does mean throat and seins refers to breasts. Language is imprecise. When ever I think that French isn't logical, I remember how illogical english is as well.
    Allouette...what a nasty little song...when you know the what the words mean...nasty but so cute!
