Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Europe Fast Forward

Fast forwarding from ca 1000 AD until 2003 showing Europe's shifting borders, alliances, unions, territories, occupied land etc.


  1. Hello Microdot,
    Loved the clip as I do know and understand European History and appreciated the Morphing Map.

  2. I noticed Ireland never changed. My peeps are "Old Balls" LOLOLOLOLOLO

    That was a pretty cool post Dottie, nice job

  3. I love maps...these videos and gif maps that combine history and geography are such great learning tools. J.O.B., my fathers family was as Irish as it gets...County Cork with a family name impossible to pronounce. O'Huigch....sorta like clearing your throat.
    My mothers family is more of history of Europe...we traced them back to Strasbourg in the 16th century. They were Catholics, and then during the religious upheavals in the beginning of the 17th century, they emigrated to Ireland. From what we see, they were merchants....they became Irish in Waterford, but at the time of Cromwell, they emigrated to America when Calvert was given a grant to relocate Irish Catholic Gentry in the Chesapeake Bay.....They some remained there, but my direct ancestors moved to Canada after the Revolutionary War because they were British Loyalists! I have an Algonquin great granny named Netto. Her son, John Hart moved to Detroit and worked for Eddie Rickenbacker.....I'm lucky to have younger relatives willing to do the research...they keep turning up more details!

  4. I was curious about the 'longevity' of Bohemia. As the time moved forward, Bohemia lasted a very long time. Wow! Durable Bohemians.
