Friday, June 01, 2012

Arretez-moi quelque'un!

Arrêtez-moi quelqu'un! ("Someone stop me!") is a site where Quebeckers and their supporters around the world can post photos of themselves holding signs in which they state their intention to violate Special Law 78, which suspends the right to freedom of assembly in Quebec: "Nous nous engageons à continuer à lutter; à rester mobilisé·e·s, en vertu des libertés fondamentales. Si cela nous vaut des poursuites pénales en vertu de la loi 78, nous nous engageons à y faire face."
I have written a few pieces about the student protests in Montreal. The government wants to raise tuitions in the Universities by 80% which would put the cost of a college education out of the ballpark for most Quebecois. The students started demonstrating 3 months ago and the conservative Quebec Government refused to negotiate and has enacted the draconian, fascist Emergency Law 78, which attempts to outlaw any unauthorized public manifestation. This of course is a step too far for almost any Canadian. Read my post from Monday on the phenomena of the Chiviari demonstrations  now occurring nightly in Quebec cities and towns. People from all walks of live are making unauthorized illegal noise. I haver another post from March 22 from a demonstration in Montreal with the great song, On Lache it is again:
In my March 22, post, I translate the lyrics for you....
Here's a link to celebrity photo gallery the Toronto Globe and Mail which seems to have become a pretty hialrious hip commentary on what is going on in Quebec...It is an outlet for the way most Canadians are viewing the repression of Premier Jean Charests exercise in Fascism. Thousands of students have been illegally arrested. The customs officials at Canada's borders are harassing journalists or anyone they deem suspicious from entering Canada. This obviously is not the sane democracy we grew up respecting. Something very ugly is going on and maybe if Quebecs' very important tourism industry suffers this summer, more people will realize that Jean Charest is not acting in his countries best interests.

You can show your support by having your picture posted on the Arretez-Moi page with a message. As of now, there are 5426 pictures from all over the world posted. Just photo your self with a message and upload it to the page...very simple...I did!

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