Tuesday, June 05, 2012

The Grouch Bag

Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) has proposed “reducing the penalty for public possession of small amounts of marijuana” from a misdemeanor to a violation. Under the measure, which still has to be approved by the legislature, individuals caught with under 25 grams of marijuana could face a fine of up to $100, but woud avoid stop-and-frisk searches and criminal charges. State law already treats private possession of marijuana in such a manner. “There’s a blatant inconsistency,” Cuomo said on Monday. “If you possess marijuana privately, it’s a violation. If you show it in public, it’s a crime.” Eighty-two percent of New Yorkers arrested from stop and frisks were either black or Hispanic.
You know, I don't want to be cast in the role of being a drug advocate, but we all know that almost every one has smoked pot at one time or another. I smoked pot when I was young. Smoking pot caused me some pretty massive problems. It wasn't the pot that caused the problems, but living in a small town and being different enough to be singled out and persecuted by the local police force. I got busted in my loca high school through a strange series of events when I was 18. I spent some time in jail and 2 years on probation for possession of a few grams of marijuana. The enforcement of drugs laws in America, especially for small quantities is very selective and in most cases a class issue.  I really don't want to write much more about this, because, I would not want to be seen promoting pot use. Frankly, I feel that the biggest negative reason not to smoke pot is a health issue. I don't smoke cigarettes and won't smoke pot. 
But that's me today...I would not wish that any young person experience what I went through when I was 18 at the hands of small town fascist law enforcement system run amok.  On the other hand, I am a much stronger person for the experience.
It's a very big part of what created the monster I am today!!!GARRRR!

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