Friday, June 22, 2012


I recently got to see Fritz Langs 1927 expressionist cinema masterpiece, Metropolis again. It was perhaps the 6th time I saw it and each time I am more and more convinced that it is a unique visionary artistic masterpiece that will never be equaled. This time, the film was longer and there were sequences I had never seen.
The original premiere cut of Metropolis eventually disappeared, and a quarter of the original film was long believed to be lost forever. However on July 1st 2008, film experts in Berlin announced that a 16 mm reduction negative of the original cut of the film had been discovered in the archives of the Museo del Cine in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Along with additional footage found in New Zealand, a long restoration process began. The fully restored film was finally shown on large screens in Berlin and Frankfurt simultaneously on February 12th 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Microdot,
    I love the movie Metropolis and I have seen it about twice. I especially liked the nagged dancing robot woman and my thoughts were how forward and brave this film was for its timeframe!! Think about it, you could not show this 1927 movie on regular broadcasted TV even today.
