Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Common People

Every day in every way, I feel America is beginning to resemble pre WW2 France, when for a brief time the Popular Front Socialist government of Leon Blum championed the rights of the working class and tried to bring reform the out of control exploitative capitalist 1% upper class. What happened? The bankers and the wealthy relentlessly sabotaged the Blum government. They took the capital and the manufacturing base out of France to destabilize the economy and invested it in Germany. By the beginning of the War, the common French man actually believed that they would be better off under with Adolph Hitler's "National Socialism" and under the boot heel of Nazi Occupation than suffering under the "degenerate" Socialism of the Jewish Leon Blum. Just change the adjectives and the names...the location, inject racism and you really don't have to change very much else to update this scenario to Republican obstructionism sabotaging economic recovery. How else could a gold leafed fascist Republican mormon melon like Mittens buy his way into the White House?  Nobody likes him, but then again, he's so...uhhh...well...the problem is, we don't hate him because he won't let us know how evil he really is...That's the problem with trying to be reasonable, Progressives just don't know how to hate! Not like you common Conservative. Your common Conservatives seem to inherently, instinctively know how to hate...and they hate that Obama. They hate him so much that they would even vote for Mittens.
I Don't Think The Common Person Is Getting It!
Says an anonymous donor of Mitt Romney's at a Koch brother's $75,000 a plate fundraiser at the Hampton's(generally regarded as one of the most wealthy and exclusive places in the country) in New York!
A New York City donor a few cars back, who also would not give her name, said Romney needed to do a better job connecting. "I don't think the common person is getting it," she said from the passenger seat of a Range Rover stamped with East Hampton beach permits. "Nobody understands why Obama is hurting them. "We've got the message," she added. "But my college kid, the baby sitters, the nails ladies -- everybody who's got the right to vote -- they don't understand what's going on. I just think if you're lower income -- one, you're not as educated, two, they don't understand how it works, they don't understand how the systems work, they don't understand the impact."
Let's take a look at exactly WHAT the "common person" is NOT getting. They are not getting that if you are cramped for space in your garage you should just have a car elevator installed.

311 Dunemere Drive, La Jolla, CA: Mitt Romney, GOP presidential candidate and former Massachusetts governor, Bought in 2008 for $12 million, Romney announced plans to tear down his current 3,000-square foot California beach house and rebuild an 11,000-square manse in its place -- but not until after the election season.
Of course things are getting a little tough in this economy for Romney, he had to sell his ski lodge!
3853 Rising Star Lane, Park City, UT: In addition to his beach house, Romney owns a Boston, MA-area townhouse and a $10 million Wolfeboro, NH summer home. In 2009 he sold two others: a Belmont, MA house for $3.5 million and this Deer Valley ski lodge for $5.25 million.

What else does the "common person" not understand? Why Horses of course!
Hey I get it you have to keep the wife happy, even if it ends up costing you a loss of $77000 in a year(way more than the average family makes in a year). When the stakes are so high in the dressage horse arena, you can see why Ann and Mitt Romney would sell a horse so heavily medicated that it was unable to perform. When your trying to support 5 million dollars plus houses and a dressage horse hobby, you can not afford to have horses dieing on you! But then again, if you can get it as a tax write off, who the fuck catres?
Ann Romney found herself briefly the subject of a lawsuit at whose core, according to court documents, was a heavily-medicated horse. Romney and her trainers sold the horse, Super Hit, in 2008 for $125,000. And Super Hit had what a prominent veterinarian described as a staggering quantity of drugs in its system at the time of its examination before being sold, according to a toxicology report that's part of the lawsuit over the horse's condition.
The lawsuit, which was mentioned in a New York Times story last month, was filed in 2010 by a woman in San Diego who had bought Super Hit from Romney and her trainers, Jan and Amy Ebeling. The woman, Catherine Norris, sued Romney for fraud after the horse allegedly proved physically incapable of performing as a dressage horse.
The case with Romney was settled last September and she is no longer involved in the lawsuit. According to a toxicology report provided to the horse's vet and testimony from a veterinarian, Dr. Steven Soule, included in the lawsuit, Super Hit had three sedative pain killers and one narcotic pain killer in her system when the horse was examined to check her condition pre-sale. The drugs were Butorphanol, Delomidine, Romifidine, and Xylatine. Soule, who has been the United States Equestrian Team veterinarian since 1978, writes, “In my 38 years of practice, I have never come across a drug screen such as this where the horse has been administered so many different medications at the same time.” The horse had a defect in its foot, and Norris's lawyers alleged that the Ebelings had drugged the horse in order to hide its condition.
Another thing the "common person" does not get is how to travel with your pet!
Back in 1983, Romney was struggling to cram the kids and their luggage into the family station wagon for the drive to the Lake Huron shores, where his family still owns a cottage at Beach O’ Pines, a mostly American enclave. “Before beginning the drive, Mitt Romney put Seamus, the family’s hulking Irish setter, in a dog carrier and attached it to the station wagon’s roof rack,” the Globe wrote of Romney, then a 36-year-old management consultant with Boston-based Bain and Company.
Romney constructed a special windshield for the carrier, “to make the ride more comfortable for the dog.” The contraption apparently wasn’t much of a success, however, as Seamus soon began to suffer gastric issues from his windy perch atop the car.
Romney’s oldest boy, Tagg, noticed the first sign of trouble, according to the Globe piece. “Dad!” he yelled. “Gross!” A brown liquid was dripping down the back window of the station wagon. Romney calmly dealt with the problem amid his boys’ howls of disgust, pulling into a service station to hose down Seamus and the car.
He put the dog back in the crate and continued the drive to Ontario
Another thing the "common person" has a problem getting how to spontaneously rap!
The "common person" also needs to know how to drive a jet ski!

The "common person" could also use a lesson in pay to play politics!
Oklahoma oil billionaire Harold Hamm didn't wait long to make a nearly $1 million donation to a group supporting Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney after he became one of Romney's top energy advisers in March. Just weeks after Hamm joined the Romney campaign, he gave $985,000 to a pro-Romney super PAC, according to campaign reports.
The "common person" also needs to learn that
teachers, fire fighters and police officers are a drag on society!
Romney made the comments in response to Obama’s presser today, at which the president claimed the “private sector is doing fine.” Per CNN: Romney said of Obama, “he wants another stimulus, he wants to hire more government workers. He says we need more fireman, more policeman, more teachers. Did he not get the message of Wisconsin? The American people did. It’s time for us to cut back on government and help the American people.”
Finally, the last and most important thing that the "common people" need to get. Forget the US bank and taxes...move your money offshore and never tell the truth about what your doing!
More than three dec­ades later, as he tried to nail down the Republican nomination for president of the United States, Romney’s gray areas were again an issue when he repeatedly resisted calls to release more details of his net worth, his tax returns, and the large investments and assets held by him and his wife, Ann. Finally the other Republican candidates forced him to do so, but only highly selective disclosures were forthcoming.

Even so, these provided a lavish smorgasbord for Romney’s critics. Particularly jarring were the Romneys’ many offshore accounts. As Newt Gingrich put it during the primary season, “I don’t know of any American president who has had a Swiss bank account.” But Romney has, as well as other interests in such tax havens as Bermuda and the Cayman Islands.
To give but one example, there is a Bermuda-based entity called Sankaty High Yield Asset Investors Ltd., which has been described in securities filings as “a Bermuda corporation wholly owned by W. Mitt Romney.” It could be that Sankaty is an old vehicle with little importance, but Romney appears to have treated it rather carefully. He set it up in 1997, then transferred it to his wife’s newly created blind trust on January 1, 2003, the day before he was inaugurated as Massachusetts’s governor. The director and president of this entity is R. Bradford Malt, the trustee of the blind trust and Romney’s personal lawyer. Romney failed to list this entity on several financial disclosures, even though such a closely held entity would not qualify as an “excepted investment fund” that would not need to be on his disclosure forms. He finally included it on his 2010 tax return. Even after examining that return, we have no idea what is in this company, but it could be valuable, meaning that it is possible Romney’s wealth is even greater than previous estimates. While the Romneys’ spokespeople insist that the couple has paid all the taxes required by law, investments in tax havens such as Bermuda raise many questions, because they are in “jurisdictions where there is virtually no tax and virtually no compliance,” as one Miami-based offshore lawyer put it.
Yes the "common person" needs to understand that there is no one more common than Mitt Romney!

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