Wednesday, July 04, 2012


Joe Walsh claims he is a victim of this heroic woman,
Tammy Duckworth,
because she is going to win in her Congressional race
against him

Despite earning widespread condemnation for dismissing the military service of a double amputee woman, Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) has decided his original comments didn’t go far enough.
In a statement released yesterday evening on his campaign website, Walsh again refused to apologize, instead attacking Tammy Duckworth — his Democratic opponent who lost both her legs in an insurgent attack in Iraq — for allegedly using “her service and the service of others as a political ploy.”
Pathetically presenting himself as the real victim in this ordeal, Walsh claimed he was being accused “of something that is not true.” (Watch his original comments here and judge for yourself.) “Shame on her for using veterans,” he declared, despite having never served in the military himself.

From Walsh’s virtual toilet bowl of a campaign website regarding the “Duckworth Attack”:

Friends, My opponents are once again trying to accuse me of something that is not true. It has become their agenda this Fourth of July week to twist my words and claim I said my opponent is not a hero and have insulted all veterans as a consequence. Folks, if you’re familiar with me and my campaign, you know this is utterly false. Shame on her for saying this and shame on her for using veterans in this fashion. In fact, recently on the Big John and Amy Show I stated, “Tammy Duckworth’s service demands our respect and that is something I will do and say for her throughout this campaign.” I open all my town halls byrecognizing our veterans who served to protect our great nation.

The poor pathetic victim of double amputee veteran

Tammy Duckworth knows this and should know better than to use her service and the service of others as a political ploy to distort my words and distract voters. We as a people are facing great problems in our country, and it is time for us to get serious and address them.

Read the rest of his pathetic statement at the bottom here.
Many pundits are referring to Walsh’s comments as a major gaffe, but that’s incorrect. It’s not a gaffe if you mean it.
I really am horrified that this amoral political whore, Joe Walsh could ever expect to be re elected and I seriously question the character of anyone who would vote for this opportunistic, manipulative living turd. This ex-venture capitalist failure who got evicted after the bank foreclosed on his condo in 2009 when he was facing a lawsuit for cheating his campaign manager out of $2000.00 but was always broke because of the federal and state liens against him in the 80s and 90s for being a lying tax cheat whose wife sued him last year for $117,437 for being a dead-beat dad to his three children when he lied to her about not having the money but then somehow got awarded for his "unwavering support of the family" by some HackPAC before he lost his driving privileges for not having insurance and was one of 19 congress-people criticized for ethics violations by the Citizens for Responsible Ethics in Washington before he was videotaped verbally attacking a constituent who asked him a question and then went on to say that the Occupiers were spoiled, pampered, unfocused, clueless, un-American socialists who don't understand this country before attacking Tammy Duckworth's credibility and advocating for ethnic cleansing in the middle east, wouldn't know a fooking hero if one came and pulled him out of a fire. If his constituents were anything but a pack of senile fascist teabrained zombies, they would do the patriotic thing on this July Fourth and demand that Joe, the poor pathetic victim, Walsh resign immediately!


1 comment:

  1. Hello Microdot,
    My good friend and my trusted voice from France to keep me up to date of what is accurately happening in Europe. Keep up the good work and just fight for “Common Sense.” (Yes a blatant reference to the Patriot Thomas Paine on this day of our country’s proclamation for “Self Rule Independence”)

    I want to take this moment to wish you and everyone a "Happy 4th of July" and make note of the true reflection of our Founding Father's original time frame.

    Benjamin Franklin was the “Progressive Radical Liberal” and his son, William Franklin, the last Colonial Governor of New Jersey and a steadfast “Conservative Loyalist” throughout the American War of Independence. The secession from British rule and governorship of the American Colonies destroyed this father and son’s relationship from his “Conservative” views.

    Speaking of the Teabaggers, those who are claiming the current “Tea Party Conservative Platforms,” have inversely bastardized the historical truth that the original attendees of the Boston Tea Party raid were the "Progressive Liberals" who brought forth this country. If our destiny was left to the “Conservatives” of the time, we would still be under British rule today. It is the “Conservative Teabaggers” who have the repressive views and are the traders to this country’s origins.

    One could see the possibilities that the current Teabaggers may have been educated by the “Texas School Board” because they are not even accurate of their namesake’s origins. Just another example of the current Teabagger’s ignorance and stupidity…..and they want to mandate how I live?.....I don’t think so and for those who want to repress me and my family based on their “Current Conservative Teabagger’s Viewpoints,” “Don’t Tread On Me!!!”
