Saturday, July 21, 2012

Jeezus H Keerist In A Chicken Basket

On July 20, 1969, man landed on the fucking moon. This is the real audio and video of The Apollo 11 communication with NASA. 
Where were you that day if you had even been concieved yet? I was in Kansas City and saw The Beatles Animated film, Yellow Submarine.....


  1. I don't remember, but I do know where I was when Kennedy was killed and on 0-11. What does that say about our (my) social priorities?
    the Ol'Buzzard

  2. Kennedy? I was 12 in St. Monica Grade School in Detroit. It was art class...We were supposed to be drawing a portrait of a classmate. The principle made the announcement on the PA system...shock, then a kid started to laugh....and the teacher flipped out...

    9/11? In Lower manhattan...practically at Ground zero...when the first building collapsed, I was on my bike at Canal and Church Street riding the wrong way uptown as fast as I could to escape the dust cloud chasing me ....I was trapped in Manhattan for a week and had to show my ID everytime I ventured out of my neighborhood and wanted to get back home. I was supposed to come back to France, but my flight was cancelled....

  3. Linda M.4:03 PM

    I was in Southern California, and I swear they were playing Bowie's "Space Oddity" on the radio.

  4. I was riding on the back of a motorcycle being driven by Jim Kleinsorge in Detroit. We were up to no good.
