Monday, July 16, 2012

Just A Few Questions For the Romneytron 3000

After Mittens came out of his FOX hole and played his lame evasive non reality game on the networks yesterday, it becomes more and more obvious just exactly why John McCain ended up choosing Sarah Palin as his VP choice in 2008. Here are 35 un answered questions asked in An EXCELLENT article from Forbes today. Here are a few of the best:

4. Surely someone from Bain occasionally called you up and asked your opinion about something work related from 1999 to 2002. Wouldn’t that qualify as “involvement,” if only on a minor level?

5. You earned at least $100,000 as an executive from Bain in 2001 and 2002, separate from investment earnings according to filings with State of Massachusetts. Can you give an example of anyone else you personally know getting a six figure income, not dividend or investment return, but actual income, from a company they had nothing to do with?

6. What did you do for this $100,000 salary you earned from Bain in both 2000 and 2001?

7. If you did nothing to earn this salary, did the Bain managers violate their fiduciary duty by paying you a salary for no discernible reason?

8. Are there other companies that pay you six figures a year as earned income, not investment income, for which you have no involvement?
24. Why do SEC documents claim you were Chief Executive Officer, President, and Managing Director of Bain Capital 2000 and 2001 if you were merely the sole owner?

25. Did you sign this SEC document?

26. Is this accurate or not?

27. If you didn’t sign it, is someone guilty of lying to the SEC?

28. True or false, it is a felony to lie on SEC filings?
34. You are obviously bright, hard working and energetic. Isn’t is possible that you put in 60 hours a week on the Olympics but still put in 5 hours a week as an active consultant or adviser by phone, email and the occasional meeting with the full time managers of Bain?

So, perhaps, could this be why Mittens is going on about John Kerry's wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry not releasing more than 2 years of her tax returns back when Kerry was running? If I recall, John was the one running for president, not his wife, and he released 20 years of his returns! Mittens, listen, my man,
And please, please, please don't even try to sing for us anymore, okay, Mittens?

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