Sunday, July 22, 2012

This is what has been taking up too much of my time in the last 3 weeks
After a rather wet early summer, every one is trying to get hay cut and
baled while the sun is shining.
This is the sort of surreal landscape surrounding my house this morning.
This isn't my hay. It's Monsieur Boudy's. He does huge rolls. They will
all be picked up and and stacked by tomorrow evening.
This, though is the interior of my barn and my personal
hay collection from this year. I store the hay for my friends
who rescue horses. They have perhaps 18 horses. I got to
run the baling machine for the square bales in the back.
I had the ramp to the loft redone earlier this year, so now we
can drive a tractor up and bring up a roll at a time, but we
still have to roll and stack them by hand. I also had the roof
redone last year and the back wall rebuilt so the barns should be good for
another doggies are in the foreground....

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