Friday, August 10, 2012

Shotgun Wedding?

Sorry I haven't had time to post more lately. I have a house full of guests and getting ready to have a big fete in the garden tomorrow for 12 people...I't's super hot, I'm trying to keep the garden watered and be a gracious host all at the same time....then I have to sneak off and do my push ups and the rest of my masochistic self torture routine...and try to find a free moment ot actually be able to look at my office has become a spare bedroom....things should be back to normal on Sunday...
Normal? Yeah, right....

1 comment:

  1. Why do we invite company? The clean-up before they arrive, the change in our routine while they are with us, the added expense and the clean-up when they are gone... What kind of masochism is that?
    the Ol'Buzzard
