Tuesday, August 07, 2012

They say, these days, standing out on the rim of the Grand Canyon, the brightest lights in the night sky are not the stars in the heavens but the glow from casino neon in Las Vegas – one hundred and seventy five miles away.


  1. It's true, I was just there a few weeks ago.

  2. Love your blog, I'm following now :) Feel free to check out mine!

  3. Man, I was in Las Vegas once in 1994....my sister and brother in law took me there...my bro in law is a vegas master...he gets all kinds of comps free stuff....it only took about an hour and 54 minutes until I truly went mad...I am so Fear and Loathing...if you know what I mean...it didn't take alcohol or any kind of psychoactive substance...I had entered another zone of ugly reality and I did not like it.
