Monday, October 22, 2012

Down Here On The Ground

I wrote yesterday about US Civil Rights Groups requesting International Election Monitors to be the polls in crucial states where we can expect voter intimidation and electoral hankypanky. The OCSE has  had representatives in Ohio since October 4. But lets take a second to thank some of the real heroes of this election. The committed men and women who have been on the streets, ringing doorbells and registering people and encouraging them to get out and vote! This is a photo from todays Toledo Blade of volunteers out on the street in Sylvania, Ohio going from door to door. The gentleman in the background is hero of mine, the Author of the great and passionate blog in Toledo of which I am a member and occasional co author, Man With The Mudrake. Thanks Mr. Mudrake...Remember, request a paper ballot and if you can, vote early! It's your right!


  1. Nice to put a face to the character. Handsome old devil, ain't he. I've disagreed with him a lot Dottie, but you have to admire his passion. Actions like his is what makes a good American citizen.

  2. Whether you agree of disagree with his ideals, you have to stand and admire a guy so committed to fight to keep your country a real open and free democratic state. I happen to agree with him on so many levels and I'm proud to be able to use his blog to express myself.

  3. Hey, I like it too. Funny part is, if it wasn't for some Conservative folks, I never would have stumbled on to any of you guys. I'm glad I did.

    BTW- At the end of your post, you mentioned "Vote early!". Why? Is it better? I was just planning an excursion down to the local polling place in early November. Is it better to vote early?

  4. I had the opportunity to vote early and on paper because I am an overseas voter. I sent my vote to NYC via DHL. I have a computer record of when it was received by the Board of Elections....
    When you vote early, you have to use a paper ballot. I am so against computer voting machines.

  5. Hello Microdot,
    I am proud to lend my voice to the admiration of our good friend Muddy. As we said in the Navy….Bravo Zulu!!
