Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Other Voices, The Missing Debate

There was another presidential debate broadcast in America last night. This was the debate that illustrates the sorry fact that America is really not a true open democracy any more. All of these candidates are the representatives of the other parties, you never hear from because they can't afford to participate on the level the big money major Republican and Democrat Parties are forced to participate by the Corporate PACs who just want a figure head to promote their Corporacracy Interests. American politics are not about you...As the Bishop and his wife, Luvy say..."those people" and you sure as hell are one of "those people" if you are reading this blog. Here is the entire video of the debate if you care to watch it. The Candidates are Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, Virgil Goode and Rocky Anderson.
I live in a land where there were 17 parties represented in the last election. The Green Party is a viable force here and in The European Union. The Pirate Party has representatives in the German and Swedish legislatures. The Far Right Front National was able to promote their interests in the last French election. There is no Super PAC money here. All political media is strictly monitored and the equal time law is strictly enforced. The money for the campaigns is strictly monitored. The parties receive equal funding from the government. They of course have to qualify by first getting sponsorship from at least 500 mayors in France. 
The heads up over the third party debate came from my buddy, J.O.B., or Johnny O'Blogger as he calls himself. J.O.B. proves to me over and over again that I don't necessarily have to agree with someone to like him, but I find the more I listen, the more common ground we seem to share. I have to thank him to remind me how absolutely broken and corrupt politics really are in America. The other voices, the other issues and concerns of a vast portion of America are being stifled by the Corporacracy that destroyed true Democracy in America.
If you watch this debate and would like to participate in a poll reflecting how you feel about them and their opinions, you have until 8 pm tonight, October 24 to voice your preference HERE!


  1. To any American voting in this upcoming election, it would be a disservice to NOT watch this debate. You may click on Dottie's "HERE" link. On the link you will vote for each candidate in numerical order. This survey is a "Run-Off" vote. The top two will be the ones who are invited to the Oct. 30th debate. A true Democratic process.

  2. Dottie- Thanks for showing an interest in this. As a proud American citizen, I am appreciative of what the European system has and can teach us. The United States has bastardized the Democratic process.
    As hard as it is for one man to change people's political beliefs, I will continue to try. We, as a country can not continue with this two Party System. But I may have garnered a small victory. I think my wife is starting to see the light. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO
    I will end with a quote from last night. "A wasted vote is voting for someone you do not believe in."- Gary Johnson @ 10/23 debate.

    Thanks again Dottie.
