Wednesday, November 21, 2012

excuse me, i just needed to hear the sound
 of my own true voice

1 comment:

  1. If you are wondering what the fuck this was a performance by a sort of band, performance group called Mr. Bubble. On these pieces I played bass guitar and sang...this was recorded with a cheap little stereo AKAI walkman thing at the Pyramid Lounge on Ave A in the East Village about 2 am in the morning...we had distributed cases of cheap bubble solution and had our trusty ensemble of mylar hula skirt attired bisexual singers and dancers on stage...This was not about music so much...every time I performed the song, There is No Hope...I sorta made up new lyrics in a state of utter panic...that is what made it so much fun...I think the year was 1983...Reagan was still president then....
