Monday, December 03, 2012

My Wife Is A Wizard, A True Star!

We are the designated hosts for our annual News Years Eve Celebration. It's either up the hill or down the hill with our friends and neighbors. Nobody has to drive more than a half kilometer. So, I was once upon a time the wannabee patisserie chef...but I have thrown in my wife has gone totally mad. She is possessed. This year she conceived and just test drove the dessert she wants to serve on New Years Eve. How can I explain this? There is a base made of a crust concocted from Galette de Breton cookie crumbs. The airy yellow part is a Bavaroise de Citron...sort of a creamy light lemon thingy...lots of air, cream and some gelatin...the red topping is Raspberry puree which has been thickened with gelatin to make it set like a mirror. Then she slices of lemon, lime and kiwis with some of the little tools I have been buying her to make the shapes. The raspberries are big ones that came from my plants this year and we froze whole. The plants are a variety which were a gift from the neighbor of my nephew in New Jersey. I raise raspberries, but I am trying to multiply these plants as they are remontant and produce huge, tasty sweet berries all through out the year. The little white Schmoo shaped things are little baked meringues which my absolute genius of a wife made yesterday, I had a slice...we had to eat it and it's incredible! A winner, a keeper! This wins the prize!

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