Friday, January 11, 2013

Hang Em High

I've had a pretty hectic day working my way through a huge pile of oak with my chainsaw and I got involved in helping my neighbor rent the little house on her property. We want to help her, so I am designing a little card we can put in a few villages around here and help her screen potential renters. It's important for us, because who ever she rents to will be our closest neighbors. It's a very charming little house, with a big garden space and frankly, this is one of the most beautiful places on the planet, if and when the fog ever lifts.........250 Euros a month. You couldn't rent closet space in Paris or NYC for that...I had to post the Booker T and The MGs 1991 live version of Hang Em High...they were after all the most potentially dangerous band on the planet!


  1. Wow! Sounds like a beautiful place! I wonder if Uncle Sam would send my SS checks to me in France ... when I star drawing it this summer? Orrr ... do you have enough crazy neighbors already?

  2. I get my checks sent to my bank in have to deal with the conversion stuff...dollars to Euros. I have a French bank account and I transfer money from NYC but really, thank goodness for ATMs....My bank actuall gives me a list of European ATMs that work for free with their system...It;s a pretty good bank. Amalgamated...a Union Bank founded in the 1930's. It is a nice little house. The old tenant put in new flooring and it needs a wood burning stove in fireplace, but the duct work is all new. The woman who just moved out was a friend of a friend from Paris and very nice, but I think she felt it was too isolated for her. It is pretty isolated. It's at the end of a rural road running about 2 kilometers south of a little town called Badefols d'Ans. Actually, the road runs a little farther than stops at my house. Then it turns into a tractor trail that goes into the forest. There are about 5 people living here at the end of the road and no one can see anyone else.

  3. I'd move in tomorrow, but there is a slight problem with legal immigration and I have already done the illegal number in France.

  4. My wife is 10 years my junior and has about two more years to work to receive her pension. I showed her the photo of the house and asked if she'd like to move to France. Now that I know the name of the nearest village I can Google Earth and show her more details. I asked would she miss me if I moved there while waiting for her to retire in two years. Her eyes opened very wide ... but it didn't look to me like it was the "I'll miss you" kind of eyes wide open. It looked more like the "I'll help you pack today" kind of wide open. heh I really would love to live dans les Frances. Looks like a wonderful place to live out the rest of my days. More investigation needed, though.
    btw .... I saw where the French Government has finally sent air support to Mali and is sending troops as well. S'about time, huh?

  5. bj...I hope you haven't bought your plane ticket....we put the notices up in Terrasson Exidiuelle, Montignac and Le Lardin-St. Lazare...within hours, our friend Christiane got 15 calls and counting...So we are assisting in the "screening" process. Christiane, the owner of the little house is 78 years old and I was a buddy of her husband before he died...he taught me how to kill pigs..against my will, I have to admit, but he was my neighbor and and he asked me to help. It was a real educational experience for me. I did get a few nice cans of pate for my trouble. To be fair, the house needs extensive rewiring...which I and my buddy Marius are going to do. As I said, this is little place at the ned of a road and there are only about 5 humans living here....lots of cows, chickens, a few donkeys, lots of horses, ducks, cats and dogs and we all get along pretty well, so this is very intense, screening new humans...though you might have passed the exam...
