Monday, January 14, 2013

One Nation Under A Groove

Sometimes, you just get so discouraged, so pissed off that you just gotta, you just gotta grab some of the good stuff! I have personally encountered so many utter assholes on line today that I have to wipe the slate....I mean I just have to wipe my own ass and flush it! So, instead of listening to me vent...c'mon and check this shit out! The History of The Music! The written in stone biblical scripture of the greatest American band of all all time, Parliament/Funkadelic! I still wanna be Bootsy Collins when I grow up!


  1. The first time I heard this song, George was on TV promoting the album.

    Time to hook the laptop up to the Yamaha!

  2. i think it was Kinky Freedman that said (and I paraphrase): I have dealt with so many ass holes in my lifetime, I should have been a proctologist.

    Funk is good.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  3. And I still believe that when I grow I will become Bootsy Collins! My hero on so many levels! I played bass guitar for many, many years and though I play a lot of different styles, the two pillars that hold the whole thang up are Bootsy Collins and of course John Paul Jones....

  4. Junior, I checked out your blog...I will link to it! When you say Yamaha, I assume you are talking some sort of keyboard instrument? My now 30 year old favorite bass is a black Yamaha's the classic precision/Jazz hybrid set up and still easy to adjust and set up with only the signs of my 30 years of abuse in the finish....
