Thursday, January 24, 2013


A fairly ironic clip from Bill O' who was trying to get  Fox News military analyst Lt. Col. Ralph Peters (ret.) , who has certainly not been known for his affection for progressives and liberalism, to criticize Hillary Clintons testimony at the Benghazi Senate Sideshow Hearings yesterday. He only had praise for Clinton’s performance. “I came away with deeper respect for Hillary Clinton’s bureaucratic lawyerly brilliance,” Peters said. “I mean she was just tough and good and the Republicans looked like weenies:”
It really gives you cause for reflection when someone flirting with serious senility issues, like John McCain is able to highjack foreign policy when in the real world, if he had a real job, his employers would be forced to take out a very special insurance policy just in case he tried to operate a Nespresso Machine.
The real loser, aside form the Republican Wisconsin Senator, Ron Johnson who seemed to have had Hillary hand him his testicles in a paper sack, was Rand Paul, who seemed to be lost in his delusions of grandeur as he slipped deeper and deeper into his krazy konservative konspiracy theory alternative universe. I think this little video sums up Rand and his 2016 Presidential fantasies...... 


  1. It was like watching petulant children bicker with a substitute teacher... only to have themselves lined up and spanked with a paddle on their way out of class.

    When politicians take their marching orders from the propaganda they see on Faux News, they're always surprised when rational, thinking Americans don't share their ginned-up "outrage".

    The entire Benghazi tragedy has been manipulated for political gain by people who have nothing else to offer the country other than vague conspiracy theories a Bircher would dismiss as fantasy.

  2. Methinks the cries of "Benghazi! Benghazi!" will fade into the background static of other GOP rants of faux outrage. At least for now. I must admit that if I'd had my ass and head handed to me as enthusiastically as Paul and Johnson got theirs, I would be reluctant to mention the issue again for fear of "Let's watch the replay, shall we?". I suppose Bizarropublicans had a different take on that exchange and will self immolate again in future. Nothing against Joe, but Hill already has my support for 2016 should that come to pass, though I do not regret my vote in '08. Hope her health holds up .....
