Sunday, February 10, 2013

and just who exactly do we think we are today?


  1. I'm Beavis.......

  2. skeezzzeeheehee...then Ah'm Buttheard...skezzzheeheee......snarf...

  3. Dottie, The question I asked you on "Living in a Socialist hell on Earth" was not answered. It was a serious question, not rhetorical.

  4. I really haven't had time to sit down and write a reply that would do justice to your question. On the other hand, could you answer your question? It almost seems to obvious in a historical context. Look at the origins of the term Socialist. The original socialist movement was an international workers movement that led to the creation of labor unions. Yes, this is class warfare, but who is waging war on who?
    Socialism really became vilified in the jingoism of American reactionary political rhetoric when the term was used to smear socialists with communists as the specter of the Soviet Union arose.
    There are still very active and diverse communist partie movements here in France. The Communists were the back bone of the resistance in fighting the Germans here in WW2. DeGaulle destroyed the legacy of the Communist Resistance movement....but before the war, the Socialist Front Populaire Coalition under Leon Blum ruled France and gave us Unions, the concept of paid vacations, but Blum and France was sabotaged by the Financiers and Industrialists who moved jobs and capital out of France into Germany! French capital financed Hitler! Read the history. I mentioned Zola to you as a historical source of the origins of European Socialism, as well as being a brilliantly entertaining modern writer, but if you go back further, the politcal work of the great writer, George Sands in the beginning of the 19th century illuminates the origins of Socialism.
    Socialism is vilified by the industrialists because it champions your rights and asks us all to be responsible for society we live in. It is the antithesis of Randian Atlas Shrugged Laissez Faire Capitalism.
    There are many different versions of the application of Socialist ideas in society.
    In America it is mindlessly used as a term to smear any social program. Unemployment is socialist, Medicarte is Socialist, Social Security? Socialist...there is no logic here or any attempt to define it as an ideology, it's just a word that has a negative value with conservative and ignorant Americans because they link it with Russia....and Russia today is the complete opposite of Socialism. It is Capitalist Gangsterism unleashed.
    The term was used by the Soviets, it was used by Hitler...but Hitler was totally opposed to the real meaning of Socialism as was Mussolini, who brutally destroyed the Italian Socialist movement in his rise to fascist dictatorship.
    I read many rants by Americans who have absolutely no idea of what life is really like here. I read rants about the hell on earth I have to endure because of the health care system by idiots who only know what they have absorbed from Fox News shoving their lies up their asses.
    You can believe what you want, but I know what I like and I know what the reality is in America. Frankly, my friend, I pay less taxes here. I might have to pay more for my gasoline and fuel, but I see the immediate results of what I spend. I know what health care is like in America...I won't go into my personal stories which go back to my childhood and destroyed my family. What I lived through could never happen here.
    For me the ideal of Socialism is that we are all responsible and part of the society we expect to live in. No matter who you are, you are a part of something. By your participation in uplifting the most unfortunate, you are creating a better world for yourself. This is the positive reality of altruism. Society is an extended organism. You will never be alone.

  5. Thanks Brother, I enjoyed reading that reply. Cheers!!!! (Beer in hand)
