Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Rejected Mexican Pope Leaves The Stage

1968, a rather bizarre performance but somehow prescience event involving the Mothers of Invention and the BBC Orchestra. Skip ahead if you must to about the 6 minute mark of this video and you will see the better, enhanced version of what happened today in Vatican City as Benny the Rat slunk off the stage...for your information, Roy Estrada, the rejected Mexican pope in this sordid little episode was an incredible artist. He had worked with Frank Zappa for years as a bass player extraordinaire, performance artist and asthmatic doo wop falsetto vocalist performing feats way beyond the dreams of mortal man...he went on to be the bassist/vocalist of the legendary band Little Feat, but here is a recording of Roy playing a bass solo originally created for Jack Bruce and blowing him off the map....

1 comment:

  1. The Pope with Iron Tits! I had forgotten just how much stage performance there was in a Zappa/Mothers show. And yer right about Roy, too ... Dood could wail!
