Sunday, March 03, 2013

Off With Their Heads...

or as my sweet little purpled haired wife and her buddy, Suze Rotolo would say, 
"SHCLACK, POOM" then they would gleefully giggle......
Marie Antoinette Romney seems to be eternally ensconced in a fantasy Versailles in her own mind that has nothing to do with you, me or anyone else in America. She still keeps her favorite horsies in a luxury stable in a chateau near Pompadour, France...The Romneys, in spite of being billionaire Mormons taking advantage of  religious based tax breaks,  still get a subsidy to pay for their French luxury pampered horsies, which you pay for with your tax dollars. She should be grateful that Americans don't have access to the guillotine, but noooo, instead blame us, blame the media, blame everyone else because she isn't now the fuckin' Empress of America and some low life black bitch still is.....
I posted photos of the luxury stable complex she keeps her horses in last year during the presidential campaign. They are about a 45 minute drive from here, just north of Payzac, up in the horse country of the Correze. You pay for this shit....Off with her surgically enhanced entitled fake barbie doll fuckin' head....

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