Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I had a comment yesterday from Mr. Mojave Rat informing me that I had the word verification system on for my comments. I never noticed it, because blogger never asked me to use it...He said it was hard to use and I agree, it's pretty annoying to have to decipher the blurry picture and the very creative typography. I went to the dashboard of the blog and lo and behold, it was on! So, I turned it off. The results? This morning I awoke to find almost 300 international annoying spam comments posted from Malaysia, Italy, France, Korea...trying to sell me shoes, handbags and the latest Malaysian Islamic Women's Fashions. They were spread out though the last 3 years of posts on the blog. I'll keep it off for a while, but this is kind of amazing! What do you think?
UPDATE: I'm reinstalling the visual id commenting system. If you really want to comment here, you'll figure it out. I don't want to limit the comments to "authorized" bloggers...but hell if I'm going to put up with 100 or so spam messages clogging up my email everyday...Too Fucking Bad...but these assholes fucked it up for everybody!


  1. I disabled word verification a long time ago, mainly because if I have trouble with it, then anyone with a visual impairment would find it impossible.

    You may have your comments set so that "anyone" can comment (including anonymous contributions). I would recommend changing this to "registered user", although I think this may block some comments you'd like to have.

  2. Since I disabled the word verification I have had almost 240 spam comments popping up all over the blog...all are pretty obnoxious. I am going to change this...the comments may not show up on the blog, but they are like and avalanche on my email notification...this sucks..totally obnoxious abuse and I'm sure as shit not gonna take it!

  3. Actually, I welcome anonymous comments. My options to disabling Spam Avalanche was to limit my commenters of registered blogger users...I find the visual id thing pretty annoying, but, hey, if you can't handle it, then there is an assisted version. I don't get a lot of comments on this blog anyway...I don't expect to...but I don't want 50 or 100 spam comments fucking up my email everyday. There's a lot of jerks out there who have no idea what they are doing when they hook into some kind of mass blog advertising scam...too bad for them...too bad for you if you can't deal with the blogger visual id...I'm reinstalling it. Too Fucking Bad...ehh?

  4. As a *very* occasional commenter (but regular reader) I have never succeeded in getting the fucking word first time, but if people want to say something then, like me, they'll try until they find one they can read. I think my maximum has been 5 attempts.

  5. Thank you Al! The verification thing is a drag. I'm happy to get comments and try to respond to them and I like it when I generate something that gets a discussion going, but obviously, I don't need comments to keep writing. I have met a lot of pretty cool people through this blog, though!
