Friday, April 05, 2013

Excuse Me Colonel, Could I Borrow Your Newspaper?

1997, Orquestra Was,
Soundtrack from Don Was' short movie collaboration with Francis Ford Coppola, Forever's A Long, Long Time. The movie starred Kris Kristofferson and Sweet Pea Atkinson and the soundtrack featured songs by Hank Williams that somehow became jazz, techno and R&B. Some of the Musicians were Merle Haggard, Herbie Hancock, Don Was and Wayne Kramer. I've posted a very bad quality version of the film on this blog. This piece, Excuse Me Colonel, is a fairly incredible techno/jazz piece featuring  a rather magnificent guitar freakout by Wayne Kramer.
Please turn you computer speakers to 11 and a half!


  1. Kinda sticks with ya', don't it/ Love the wah wah spaz solo Kramer kicks out, too! I think I have a copy of that movie on dvd. I'ma have to look for it .....

  2. Naww ... what I have is a copy of The Beach Boys and Satan. I think I have Forever's A Long, Long Time as a .mpg ... or maybe an old .avi. S'about 30 minutes long, or so, right? I'll have to check some old hard drives .......

  3. I saw this gif and then this morning as I woke up, I synched the music with the image and then tried to find a youtube version...of course, it doesn't I dug out my copy of the cd and made an mp3 of the song and put it on DivShre to create an embeddable version...It worked better than I hoped...Have you ever heard the Wayne Kramer piece, Dead Movie Stars from his cd Dangerous Madness? I looked all over for that...with no results, so I'm going to have to make an mp3 and do the same thing with the dangerous part is finding a gif to match the visceral insanity to the piece...One of Kramers very best spoken word, guitar improv can't listen to it with out feeling that you have been in the shoes of a serial killer.....absolutely brilliant!

  4. I have a copy of Forever...the original cd...unfortunately, the format of the embedded movie doesn't work on newer Mac OS 10+ systems. The only pieces on You Tube are the Merle Haggard and SweetPea Atkinson pieces...there is a version of the movie, but it is pretty shitty quality. I have a real connection to the post war Detroit, black culture and Southern culture shared a thin line extending up what we Detroiters called The Cass Corridor. Country and Soul music existed in pretty much the same space and though it wasn't a pretty place, it was a totally unique place and time.

  5. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Hi Microdot,

    I would gladly trade a hamburger tomorrow for that MP3 today. That is a great piece and the copy that I have is very rough.


  6. Mister Politeness, Sir, I would be veery happy to send you my MP3 version. I couldn't find it any where on the internets, so I had to make my own embed. But I have it in my I Tunes and I want to send you an email any how...Hey Lana really works it here!
