Sunday, May 19, 2013

Eurovision 2013

Last night I watched the entire Eurovision 2013 Competition in my usual state of numbed fascinated horror. Why? Every year I say, "Never again!" But, it's the sick part of my brain, my obsession with trash pop culture that draws me back again and again. As usual, the performances and the songs all kind of ran together in one over produced Euro Trash Pop brain numbing mantra. For diversion, there was a musical tribute to Sweden, the host of this years festivities that featured giant dancing Swedish meatballs. There were two countries that stood out. Greece, which for my money, should have won with a little ditty called Alcohol Is Free and then this! Cezar from Romania! This performance defies description! Immediately following Cezar was Englands traditionally pathetic entry. The plump aging diva, Bonnie Tyler, horribly embarrassing herself and even more unfortunately, wearing the same dress as Cezar. He wore it ever so much better.
Below is the song that should have won!  Greece's entry, Alcohol Is Free! 


  1. How the hell did I miss that?

    Cut the music off and watching with a good bottle of whisky could be intertaining.
    the Ol'Buzzard

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