Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Dreams That Money Can Buy

A brilliant surrealist film made in 1947 by the artist Hans Richter..The protagonist discovers he can sell dreams and sets up a business. The dream sequences are written and directed by other artists including Max Ernst, Marcel Duchamp. Fernand Leger, Alexander Calder, Man Ray and of course, Hans Richter. I saw this originally in Detroit in 1967 and have been looking for it on line for years...all of the sequences are amazing, but I have to watch and rewatch the Desire sequence by Max Ernst!
I have to thank my buddy Graham Dawson for this one!


  1. Thanks for this very interesting link. I didn't know about this film before. I have managed to watch about half so far and I'll be catching up with the rest as soon as I have time.

  2. It is indeed more than amazing...
