Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ultra Sound Kiddie Porn

This is so perverse on so many levels. Yesterday, July 17th,Texas Republican Congressional Representative, Dr. Michael Burgess tries to fuel the hysteria promoting the basest of the conservative base pandering anti abortion legislation buy taking the concept of child porn to a whole new unthinkable level. The mind reels with the possible directions that the insane conservative christians might take this little nauseous nugget of disinformative propaganda. I won't even go there except I think this says a lot more about Dr. Burgess than you would ever want to know. He probably already has an entire series of "Fetuses Gone Wild" DVDs ready to market.
Maybe the GOP doesn't like Women, Gays or Immigrants, but Dr. Burgess proves they are real fans of imaginary fetal child porn masturbation fantasies!  Oh, babe, you bet your bippy...look that up in your Funk and Wagnells!
The Republican War on Women has entered a new stage as it becomes a War against Reality!

1 comment:

  1. You can't make this stuff up!
    the Ol'Buzzard
