Martin Short at his most wonderfully obnoxious!
Friday, August 30, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
teknickel diffikulties
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Russia Just Doesn't Give A Fuck
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Soviet Army Memorial in Prague defaced for the Anniversary of Prague Spring |
I haven't written much about the Sochi Winter Olympics and the outright brutal pogrom of persecution of Gay Humans by Russia. Russia has in some ways done more to destroy the true meaning of the Olympic Games than Adolph Hitler did. He at least allowed Gay and Jewish athletes to attend and compete in Berlin and said they would not be prosecuted under the repressive laws of Nazi Germany.
True, he snubbed Jesse Owens when he won, but at least Owens was allowed to compete in the Games while being visibly of African origin. In Vladimir Putin's Russia, a visibly gay athlete or spectator runs the risk of being prosecuted. Just last week, Swedish high jumper, Emma Green was forced to remove rainbow colored nail polish or face prosecution or being banned from participating at the very least.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has banned all meetings, protests and demonstrations during the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, according to ABC News.
ABC’s Kirit Radia tweeted this morning from Moscow that a new decree issued by Putin, and published in Moscow yesterday, seems to restrict all free speech rights in Sochi, Russia during the Winter Olympic games next February.
Such a decree would seem to directly contradict Thursday’s assurances from the International Olympic Committee that the Sochi Games are safe for athletes, guests and media.
According to the decree, which purports to be about security surrounding “anti-terrorism protection,” all “meetings, rallies, demonstrations, marches and pickets” are banned in Sochi, from a period starting one month before the Olympics, and extending into March of 2014.
This fits a larger pattern of Russian threats against Olympics in the past few weeks, when both the Russian Sports Minister, Vitaly Mutko, and the Russian Interior Ministry, responsible for overseeing domestic order (i.e., clamping down on dissidents and any public criticism of the Kremlin), threatened to jail gay and gay-friendly Olympians, guests and media during the Sochi games.
This isn’t the first time that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) got egg on its face by claiming, falsely, that the Russians would not restrict human rights during the Sochi Games. But it is perhaps the most embarrassing for the IOC, as only 24 hours ago, Olympic President Count Rogge, claimed the situation was settled.
Russia’s new threats, which appear to tie gay human rights – and any freedom of speech during the Winter Olympics – to “terrorism” (is it just a coincidence that a “terror” document banning free speech at Sochi comes out now?) is sure to further depress turnout at what was already considered one of the most unsafe Olympic games in recent memory. It would appear that if you are planning to visit Russia as a tourist and are in the eyes of the skin head nationalist thugs who rule the streets, "ethnically challenged" you had better plan on sticking in certain designated security zones in the center of Moscow. Don't even think of visiting St. Petersburg.
And there’s an even greater headache now for the International Olympic Committee.
Any violation of Russia’s draconian anti-gay “propaganda” law during the Sochi Olympics is now a violation of a Russian anti-terrorism decree.
That would seem to raise the crime of being openly gay to an entirely new and dangerous level: An act of terrorism.
And what exactly is the price one pays for violating anti-terror decrees in Russia? Our Olympians may soon find out. A lot Russian people are already beginning to question the wisdom of the pandering racist homophobic religious nationalism that Putin is using to shore up his eroding popularity, but most Russians just don't care. They don't have very much contact with the rest of the world and are easily led as many Americans by economic and racist fear. But if you are living in Buttstockistan on the edge of Siberia in the middle of the biggest country on the planet, why would you even give a fuck? Work and drink, right! just like in Texas!
The Putin government has morphed into one of the most repressive regimes on the planet. Protest is brutally supressed. Reporters are assassinated and political artists who speak up disappear into prisons with show trials. Remember Pussy Riot! The Movement that spawned Pussy Riot was called Voina. Voina means War in Russian! They created brave challenging and shocking art protests, like the giant erecting penis on the roadbed of the drawbridge in front of the Russian Security Headquarters in St. Petersburg in 2010. Most of the artists in Voina are in prison now as the members of Pussy Riot, but the movement lives on. Repression creates dissent. Russia has always had a huge gay subculture, but this is being used by the Putin Regime to create a sanctioned brutal movement of religiously manipulated persecution and unleashed hate for political profit.Below is a piece of performance art by Voina back in 2009. A remote controlled flying dildo drone invades a press conference...In this case the perpetrators were never caught. They got away with it...that time.....
Friday, August 23, 2013
The Creep
One of the forgotten originals, Texan proto Rockabilly Bob Luman and his band The Shadows in the 1957 Movie, Carnival Rock...The incredible lead guitarist is very young James Burton.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Elmore Leonard
I think it was in 1993 in the Minneapolis St. Paul Airport where I had to wait for connecting flight to LA that I wandered into a book store and picked up a copy of Freaky Deaky by an author I had heard about, Elmore Leonard. I started to read a few pages and realized I had to have the book. I was suddenly immersed in a world I had thought I had left forever. I was back in Detroit meeting the psychotic freaks and ghetto creeps I tried so hard to steer clear of in the 60's. Mr. Leonard was too familiar with that world. It smelled too real. The book was so well written that I felt I had to take a bath when I finished it. I was hooked.
Since then I have tried to read all of his published work. I scour used book sales here in France. We have a great English language book exchange to raise funds for the Phoenix Association, a private animal rescue organization near Vergt. Just this week, I read Cat Chaser. In almost every book or story, Leonard managed to bring some detail about Detroit into the action. In Cat Chaser, the action takes place in Honduras and Florida, but the main characters met in Detroit and that is what defines them. What makes his characters so real is that they are all flawed. Nobody's perfect, in fact most are wrestling with their own sordid demons and somehow make deals with the demons and then out smart them. That and great sense of plotting and action. He started writing Westerns, but found his true voice writing about Crime! He became one of the best the genre ever produced!
I found it very interesting that Leonard attended The University of Detroit, a Catholic Institution run by Jesuits. My cousins all went there and it was always to my shame that I never measured up or could afford it...Hell, I was a high school drop out who didn't get a GED until I was 20. I guess I was too busy hanging out in Detroit with characters who would someday end up in one of Mr. Leonards novels. I really regret that he will never write another book, because I've read them all.
Elmore Leonard, who was born in New Orleans in 1925, moved to Detroit in 1934 because his father was an engineer for General Motors. I cannot think of another writer who so graphically captured the feel of a place, the smell of it with is prose. He died on Tuesday, August 20th.
Here are Mr. Leonard's 10 rules about writing fiction:
1. Never open a book with weather.2. Avoid prologues.
3. Never use a verb other than “said” to carry dialogue.
4. Never use an adverb to modify the verb “said”…he admonished gravely.
5. Keep your exclamation points under control. You are allowed no more than two or three per 100,000 words of prose.
6. Never use the words “suddenly” or “all hell broke loose.”
7. Use regional dialect, patois, sparingly.
8. Avoid detailed descriptions of characters.
9. Don’t go into great detail describing places and things.
10. Try to leave out the part that readers tend to skip.
—Elmore Leonard
Since then I have tried to read all of his published work. I scour used book sales here in France. We have a great English language book exchange to raise funds for the Phoenix Association, a private animal rescue organization near Vergt. Just this week, I read Cat Chaser. In almost every book or story, Leonard managed to bring some detail about Detroit into the action. In Cat Chaser, the action takes place in Honduras and Florida, but the main characters met in Detroit and that is what defines them. What makes his characters so real is that they are all flawed. Nobody's perfect, in fact most are wrestling with their own sordid demons and somehow make deals with the demons and then out smart them. That and great sense of plotting and action. He started writing Westerns, but found his true voice writing about Crime! He became one of the best the genre ever produced!
I found it very interesting that Leonard attended The University of Detroit, a Catholic Institution run by Jesuits. My cousins all went there and it was always to my shame that I never measured up or could afford it...Hell, I was a high school drop out who didn't get a GED until I was 20. I guess I was too busy hanging out in Detroit with characters who would someday end up in one of Mr. Leonards novels. I really regret that he will never write another book, because I've read them all.
Elmore Leonard, who was born in New Orleans in 1925, moved to Detroit in 1934 because his father was an engineer for General Motors. I cannot think of another writer who so graphically captured the feel of a place, the smell of it with is prose. He died on Tuesday, August 20th.
Here are Mr. Leonard's 10 rules about writing fiction:
1. Never open a book with weather.2. Avoid prologues.
3. Never use a verb other than “said” to carry dialogue.
4. Never use an adverb to modify the verb “said”…he admonished gravely.
5. Keep your exclamation points under control. You are allowed no more than two or three per 100,000 words of prose.
6. Never use the words “suddenly” or “all hell broke loose.”
7. Use regional dialect, patois, sparingly.
8. Avoid detailed descriptions of characters.
9. Don’t go into great detail describing places and things.
10. Try to leave out the part that readers tend to skip.
—Elmore Leonard
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Slavery Of Stupidity
Here is great news that you will not see reported in the mainstream press in America. In fact this is an extremely important turning point that should have a major, visionary effect on us and the future of our planet. But, you'll never read about it or see it on network news because the entire chain of events that has lead to it has been systematically ignored by American corporate media. If you learned about it and the knowledge had the real effect that it should have, it would be the death knell for the Koch Brothers and their dirty energy empire. It would pull the plug on fracking. It could free us from sacrificing our planet to our enslavement by the black hole of the nuclear power industry. It's reality in Germany. I've written about the major push to create a consumer owned grid of power in Germany. It has happened and it is already having a major effect. Americans pay lip service to the concept of individualism and liberty, when in fact, they are too damn lazy and too easily brainwashed to even lift a finger to liberate themselves from their corporate enslavement by the energy industry. Volunteer Slavery.....either you give a damn, or...what ever......
The following article was originally published on Lenz Blog.
RWE has announced in their latest report on their first six months results (press release in German) that they plan to take 3.1 GW of fossil fuel generating capacity off the market.
The reason they give for that is that wholesale electricity prices are way down in Germany as a consequence of more renewable in the mix. They would be losing money if they needed to sell at these low prices. They don’t, since most of their business is fulfilling contracts from the past couple of years, which still have higher prices, but that effect will be gone soon.
Welt has an excellent article giving some background on this (in German), but it can be easily translated with google....
They show an interesting graphic:
We learn from that: Prices have gone down from the mid term average of around EUR 55 a MWh to less than EUR 40. They estimate the minimum price necessary for gas generation as EUR 70, for coal as EUR 60, for lignite as EUR 45, and even for nuclear power after the plants have already paid back their investment as EUR 40, including a tax on nuclear fuel.
With prices below EUR 40 on the wholesale markets, operators like RWE may want to mothball their nuclear capacity even before they are required to do so by the 2011 law on the nuclear phase-out.
German Green Party Member of Parliament Hans-Josef Fell’s most recent mail newsletter has some very interesting comments on this development.
For one, he notes that this is great news. If RWE can’t even run fossil fuel power plants that have paid back their investment already at these low wholesale market prices, it follows that it doesn’t make any sense to start building new fossil fuel capacity now. Any new plant would need to earn back its capital cost, which is of course impossible.
He also notes how to deal with supply shortages. Under German law, the grid operators are legally liable to guarantee stability of supply. They will need to pay RWE or other owners of mothballed fossil fuel capacity for keeping their plants ready in case they are needed as backup on a windless November evening.
Why isn't this news in America? Do you have to ask? If it is reported, it is mis reported and the facts are skewed from reality. This is the future you are being denied. Clean cheap renewable Energy for everyone and the end of Nuclear and the enslavement to the giant energy corporations who will do anything to hold you in their power for their immediate profits! Become a member of GreenPeace today or take the time to find an organization that you think you could fit in with and find out how you can make this real dream your future instead of the nightmare you are being forced to pay for.
Monday, August 19, 2013
"Elektronik Supersonik" was Molvania's entry into the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest. However, Vladcik was arrested at Istanbul Atatürk Airport and immediately deported for "recreational drug" usage. Upon his return, Vladcik apologised to everyone in Molvania for letting them down, especially his family, his friends and his dealer.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Another Original...
No one ever went any near where Lyle Lovitt went with C&W lyrics and subject matter and he turned it into classic music! I Married Her Because She Looks Like You....
What a great song!
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
The Original
I consider myself pretty lucky to have seen Carl Perkins a few times at the Bottom Line in West 3rd Street in New York around 1980. He had a great band with two of his sons. He was ablaze in the late 50's and was on his way to being one of the biggest stars of the early days of Rock. He wrote the songs, he had the looks and he invented the style, but a tragic car accident in 1958 took him out of the game at the wrong moment. Even Paul McCartney paid homage with the comment, "If there had been no Carl Perkins, the would never have been The Beatles."
Next Victim?
I have bee writing a lot about Detroit and trying to establish the link between what is going on there is a test drive for what is going to happen in the rest of the country, if we aren't ready to throw ourselves into the machine to destroy it! What ever you think about Lyndon Baines Johnson, this statement sort of crystalizes what is happening. Racism, class warfare are being used in very targeted and systematic way to inure Americans to the rape of Detroit. Because if they can get away with it here, then it will be so much easier to do it to you...This is the frontline of class warfare in America and the aggressor is the self ordained elite. They think they own you. They think minimum wage is destroying their privileged position. An educated public is a danger to them. Wake up, educate your self, become dangerous!
Americans are born into the belief that accumulation of capital is the most important part of their economic system. In their new book, The Making of Global Capitalism, Leo Panitz and Sam Glindin show how the US government has worked to create a new world order where private capital accumulation is the dominant and controlling function of governments around the world. Part of that involves covert and not so covert attacks on foreign socialist governments. But we can see it in our cities and states.
For example, for centuries US churches and communities established hospitals organized as non-profit entities. These hospitals provided medical care to contributors and non-contributors alike. Now for-profit corporations, with treasuries fattened by the profits reaped from sick people,are buying out those entities, leaving the communities dependent on the rich people who control those corporations for their medical care. The logical outcome is spiraling hospital costs, because the only goal of a corporation is to maximize returns to shareholders at any price. Including your health.
In the same way, states and cities have turned over their prisons to private companies. Again, the goal of these corporations is to maximize profits at any price, including the health and safety of prison inmates.
In each of these situations, we as citizens bought and built things for our mutual benefit. Some rancid government types in thrall to the idea that the market should do everything decided that we shouldn’t own things as a community, and sold them to some private company. That means that instead of getting things at a reasonable price, paying for them with tax revenues and user fees, and owning important assets and services ourselves, we are getting screwed over by a bunch of rich people and their minions devoted to taking as much of our money as they can for themselves.
One big reason governments are selling public assets to the rich is to raise money to pay on government debts. Governments have debts because they borrowed from the rich instead of taxing them. That, of course, is the real scandal. But the rich want you to think it’s your fault so you should pay, or forfeit all that juicy public property.
Detroit is the poster child for the future. The rich and their minions on Wall Street are circling the city, planning to buy up the assets that belong to the community at fire sale prices. This story in the Financial Times strikes just the right note:
The state attorney-general has opined that [the Art Collection is] “held in public trust for the benefit of the city’s residents”. But some creditors and their counsel say it is ludicrous that they are recovering only a small fraction of the money they are owed while the city is sitting on such valuable items.
Among those valuable items are a wonderful collection of art works, and we know how much Wall Streeters love that art. Steve Cohen of SAC, the recently indicted hedge fund, just paid casino billionaire Stephen Wynn $155 million for Picasso’s Le Rêve, widely perceived as a poke in the eye of the wimpy SEC. There’s no telling how much the creepy Walton heirs would pay so they could move it to the bustling metropolis of Bentonville, AR for their Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.
What else is there? The Financial Times points to Belle Island, a logical site for development by the rich as a playground carefully isolated from the misery of the city; the water and sewage system; 22 square miles of Detroit, mostly blighted; nine parking garages, two parking lots and a bunch of parking meters; and half of an aging cross-border tunnel to Windsor, Ontario. More generally, the private sector is looking for roads, bridges, airports, utilities and hospitals. So what could go wrong with private ownership?
Just think about giving a private company a monopoly on Detroit’s water supply. I’m just sure they won’t charge monopoly prices, enormous hook-up fees and so on. They’ll be satisfied with a pint of blood from every citizen of the city over the age of 10.
For example, for centuries US churches and communities established hospitals organized as non-profit entities. These hospitals provided medical care to contributors and non-contributors alike. Now for-profit corporations, with treasuries fattened by the profits reaped from sick people,are buying out those entities, leaving the communities dependent on the rich people who control those corporations for their medical care. The logical outcome is spiraling hospital costs, because the only goal of a corporation is to maximize returns to shareholders at any price. Including your health.
In the same way, states and cities have turned over their prisons to private companies. Again, the goal of these corporations is to maximize profits at any price, including the health and safety of prison inmates.
In each of these situations, we as citizens bought and built things for our mutual benefit. Some rancid government types in thrall to the idea that the market should do everything decided that we shouldn’t own things as a community, and sold them to some private company. That means that instead of getting things at a reasonable price, paying for them with tax revenues and user fees, and owning important assets and services ourselves, we are getting screwed over by a bunch of rich people and their minions devoted to taking as much of our money as they can for themselves.
One big reason governments are selling public assets to the rich is to raise money to pay on government debts. Governments have debts because they borrowed from the rich instead of taxing them. That, of course, is the real scandal. But the rich want you to think it’s your fault so you should pay, or forfeit all that juicy public property.
Detroit is the poster child for the future. The rich and their minions on Wall Street are circling the city, planning to buy up the assets that belong to the community at fire sale prices. This story in the Financial Times strikes just the right note:
The state attorney-general has opined that [the Art Collection is] “held in public trust for the benefit of the city’s residents”. But some creditors and their counsel say it is ludicrous that they are recovering only a small fraction of the money they are owed while the city is sitting on such valuable items.
Among those valuable items are a wonderful collection of art works, and we know how much Wall Streeters love that art. Steve Cohen of SAC, the recently indicted hedge fund, just paid casino billionaire Stephen Wynn $155 million for Picasso’s Le Rêve, widely perceived as a poke in the eye of the wimpy SEC. There’s no telling how much the creepy Walton heirs would pay so they could move it to the bustling metropolis of Bentonville, AR for their Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.
What else is there? The Financial Times points to Belle Island, a logical site for development by the rich as a playground carefully isolated from the misery of the city; the water and sewage system; 22 square miles of Detroit, mostly blighted; nine parking garages, two parking lots and a bunch of parking meters; and half of an aging cross-border tunnel to Windsor, Ontario. More generally, the private sector is looking for roads, bridges, airports, utilities and hospitals. So what could go wrong with private ownership?
Just think about giving a private company a monopoly on Detroit’s water supply. I’m just sure they won’t charge monopoly prices, enormous hook-up fees and so on. They’ll be satisfied with a pint of blood from every citizen of the city over the age of 10.
Monday, August 12, 2013
I love this film, Down By Law, and this is one of the best Jim Jarmusch sequences ever. Tom Waits, Roberto Benigni and uhh, the guy who was in the Lounge Lizards who stole my US Army Surplus leather tank drivers gloves...I thought of this because my wife is making a new mint ice cream recipe today...I found a big patch of wild spearmint in the valley yesterday.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
You Go, Girl!
Fourteen year old Rachel Parent challenged CBC's Kevin O'Leary to a debate on GMOs. O'Leary accuses Parent of being a "shill" for environmental organizations. Watch as Parent schools O'Leary on the dangers of GMOs --and see for yourself who the corporate shill is.
Rachel's website:
Friday, August 09, 2013
Apres moi, a half life of 48,000 years.....
The quote, Apres moi, la deluge, (After me, the flood) was attributed to the 18th century French king, Louis XV. To be accurate though, it was actually his mistress La Pompadour, who uttered the comment. Louis XV ruined the French economy. He engaged in a ruinous war that he lost and the effort to wage the war decimated France. Forests were cut down to build ships. Thousands of men were slaughtered in the campaigns. France lost Canada, but at Versailles, the party never stopped. This was the legacy he left his son, the fated Louis XVI, a bankrupt nation on the verge of Revolution. There
was a sense of madness infecting the ruling class of France. A desperate attempt to create a false front of serene power on all fronts. A senile nobility trying to maintain an illusion of power through the excessive fashion and cosmetics. Even old men could not be seen in public with out a properly powdered wig, a coating of white lead tinted thick pancake makeup and the liberal use of red rouge and a beauty mark. The the thick white make up sort of filled in the wrinkles, the beauty mark distracted the eye from "imperfections"...the rouged cheeks and painted on lips? Mark it up to the rigid style which made everyone look sort of the same. I suppose you could find an analogy in the esthetic of conservative American media and politicians. Freeze dried bo toxed Blond women, blow dried touped tanned men all with a secret mania for cosmetic surgery to stave off the inevitable fate of obsolescence.
I suppose I should ask here, what is the half life of a FOX News female talking head? If you're a guy, heck, you can go on until you wither up and die on screen, like Wolf Blitzer or or just plain senile and incoherent, like, uh, Rush Limbaugh or like Geraldo, because, nobody really notices anyway and senile mental incontinence seems to be a big plus in that business, it would seem. But the rampant sexism of conservative media will not tolerate any less than plastic coated cyber blond perfection in a woman. But, back to the quote, After me, the deluge, represents an attitude which is more alive today than it was in the 18th century. It is the attitude of the financial industry, the attitude of corporations like Monsanto. The financial industry is all about their profits; protecting and enriching themselves and those blessed to be insiders and the future be damned. Corporate mentality is the same. Monsanto and the pharmaceutical industry, for example plays by their own rules when it comes to marketing and testing ideas and products. They create and control their own studies to prove to the consumers that their products are safe and the consumers must buy them or be damned. More about Monsanto, which I have been ranting about for years in another post.
I have to say first, that I am militantly opposed to Nuclear is not the future. I won't deny the science or the possibilities, but the commercial attempts by corporate interests to sell us the concept of safe and affordable Nuclear power have failed catastrophic level in every aspect. We have had the concept of safe affordable nuclear energy force fed to us for over a half century. What could go wrong? And when something inevitably goes wrong...who knew?
The history of nuclear energy and research has been one of ever accelerating attrition for our planet. More and more parts of the planet are becoming sacrifice zones. There is an area in the Caucasus region of Russia, Kyshtym which had a storage facility accident in 1957. The entire area is still too dangerous to venture into almost 60 years later. America is still dealing with the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and the ongoing radiation problems it has been responsible for in Washington State since the end of WW2. The problems are incrementally ongoing and growing. France is just beginning to deal with it's super secret nuclear industry and the contamination it has created in the hills outside of Limoges. America and the rest of the new born nuclear nations on earth have been using the ocean as a convenient place to make nuclear waste disappear. Except it doesn't. Here's a partial list of civilian nuclear accidents starting in the 1950's. In 1964, I was a kid on a field trip to Luna Pier, Michigan to visit the new Detroit

The disaster was a minor design problem, which no one could have anticipated or even diagnosed until years later. The results? Thousands of gallons of highly volatile plutonium contaminated sodium in barrels too dangerous to move stored in a facility on the fragile shore of a Lake Erie swamp. Half life?
In Japan, we are now dealing with the biggest ever ongoing Nuclear Attrition Disaster Zone. We all watched the video over and over again in horror as the Fukushima Daiichi Tepco reactors blew after the March 11, 2011 earthquake. Again, the best excuse the industry could muster boiled down to "Who knew?"

Welcome To My World....
Surreal post apocalypse cinema? Perhaps for you, for me it was my world for well over 25 years and this video was made after much of it was torn down. This is a drive through Loisada...The Lower East Side of Manhattan...Alphabet City. I lived on the top floor of a building on the corner of Avenue B and East 5th Street. I couldn't imagine wanting to live anywhere else.
Wednesday, August 07, 2013
MIrror, Mirror
Totally Fracked
On August 3, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal declared a statewide emergency, and local officials in Assumption ordered the mandatory evacuation of about 300 residents of more than 150 homes located about a half-mile from the sinkhole. Four months later, officials continue to tell residents that they do not know when they will be able to return home. A few have chosen to ignore the order and have stayed in their homes, but the neighborhood is now quiet and nearly vacant. Across the road from the residential community, a parking lot near a small boat launch ramp has been converted to a command post for state police and emergency responders.
"This place is no longer fit for human habitation, and will forever be," shouted one frustrated evacuee at a recent community meeting in Assumption.
The Bayou Corne sinkhole is an unprecedented environmental disaster. Geologists say they have never dealt with anything quite like it before, but the sinkhole has made few headlines beyond the local media. No news may be good news for Texas Brine, a Houston-based drilling and storage firm that for years milked an underground salt cavern on the edge of large salt formation deep below the sinkhole area. From oil and gas drilling, to making chloride and other chemicals needed for plastics and chemical processing, the salty brine produced by such wells is the lifeblood of the petrochemical industry.
Geologists and state officials now believe that Texas Brine's production cavern below Bayou Corne collapsed from the side and filled with rock, oil and gas from deposits around the salt formation. The pressure in the cavern was too great and caused a "frack out." Like Mother Nature's own version of the controversial oil and gas drilling technique known as "fracking," brine and other liquids were forced vertically out of the salt cavern, fracturing rock toward the surface and causing the ground to give way.
"In the oil field, you've heard of hydraulic fracturing; that's what they're using to develop gas and oil wells around the country ..."What is a frack-out is, is when you get the pressure too high and instead fracturing where you want, it fractures all the way to the surface," said Gary Hecox, a geologist with the Shaw Environmental Group, at a recent community meeting in Assumption Parish. Texas Brine brought in the Shaw group to help mitigate the sinkhole.
"This place is no longer fit for human habitation, and will forever be," shouted one frustrated evacuee at a recent community meeting in Assumption.
The Bayou Corne sinkhole is an unprecedented environmental disaster. Geologists say they have never dealt with anything quite like it before, but the sinkhole has made few headlines beyond the local media. No news may be good news for Texas Brine, a Houston-based drilling and storage firm that for years milked an underground salt cavern on the edge of large salt formation deep below the sinkhole area. From oil and gas drilling, to making chloride and other chemicals needed for plastics and chemical processing, the salty brine produced by such wells is the lifeblood of the petrochemical industry.
Geologists and state officials now believe that Texas Brine's production cavern below Bayou Corne collapsed from the side and filled with rock, oil and gas from deposits around the salt formation. The pressure in the cavern was too great and caused a "frack out." Like Mother Nature's own version of the controversial oil and gas drilling technique known as "fracking," brine and other liquids were forced vertically out of the salt cavern, fracturing rock toward the surface and causing the ground to give way.
"In the oil field, you've heard of hydraulic fracturing; that's what they're using to develop gas and oil wells around the country ..."What is a frack-out is, is when you get the pressure too high and instead fracturing where you want, it fractures all the way to the surface," said Gary Hecox, a geologist with the Shaw Environmental Group, at a recent community meeting in Assumption Parish. Texas Brine brought in the Shaw group to help mitigate the sinkhole.
Sunday, August 04, 2013
I am finally back on line! We had a hugemongous storm here on Friday night...We got off lucky, but many farmers had their crops wiped out by the hail. I had a half hour of cherry sized hail coming down here, but no real damage...I had battened down the hatches and we have some dented vegetables in the garden. I hope my friends at Vieux Chevrol are okay! I heard that a number of vine yards around Castillon and St. Emilion got decimated, but checking the news, the Libourne area seems to have gotten off light! So we lost our power, phone and internet for almost 36 hours...enough to get me to crank up my generator to keep the freezer frozen. Then me and a friend took the generator to a few neighbors to plug in their freezers for a few hours. To make the day complete, I had to go to the funeral of an old friend in Thenon yesterday afternoon. I had to go! But today after a few false starts, the power came back on a few hours ago and now I am back on line!....btw, the color walls of the first floor of my house is somewhere between angry goldfish and eurovision contestant lips...what color is your life?
In Every Dream Home, A Heart Ache
Brian Ferry and Roxy Music's homage to the great British Pop Artist,
Richard Hamilton. The collage, In Every Dream Home A Heart Ache is one of the iconic pieces of 60's pop art. What an incredible visionary band this was, outside of time, so out side of any style that they created their own style. Hamilton was one of Ferry's teachers in college. Brian Eno was a creature from another planet who instinctively manipulated the sound of the band with primitive technology: toggle switch controlled analogue synths, synching the band through an 8 track recorder live and then hand manipulating the tape live to create effects. The interplay of the great Venezuelan guitarist, Ray Manzanera and Eno is pretty incredible in itself. The song is a study in post modern isolationism. The vacuum of the modern world, a love dirge to an inflatable sex toy...but then again, the punch line of the song, alone, "I blew up your body, but you blew my mind" is perhaps one of the greatest moments in pop music poetry you'll ever hear....
Thank You For Volunteering, Citizen
A chillingly plausible scenario for privatizing and outsourcing surveillance. The UK already has citizen monitors watching live video from the CCTV cameras from the privacy of their own homes, ready to report any "suspicious" looking activity they think they spot.
Friday, August 02, 2013
Thursday, August 01, 2013
100 Years Ago Today.....
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John Sloan's great take on the show.... |
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New York World Revue |
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