Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Slavery Of Stupidity

Here is great news that you will not see reported in the mainstream press in America. In fact this is an extremely important turning point that should have a major, visionary effect on  us and the future of our planet. But, you'll never read about it or see it on network news because the entire chain of events that has lead to it has been systematically ignored by American corporate media. If you learned about it and the knowledge had the real effect that it should have, it would be the death knell for the Koch Brothers and their dirty energy empire.  It would pull the plug on fracking. It could free us from  sacrificing our planet to our enslavement by the black hole of the nuclear power industry. It's reality in Germany. I've written about the major push to create a consumer owned grid of power in Germany. It has happened and it is already having a major effect. Americans pay lip service to the concept of individualism and liberty, when in fact, they are too damn lazy and too easily brainwashed to even lift a finger to liberate themselves from their corporate enslavement by the energy industry. Volunteer Slavery.....either you give a damn, or...what ever......
The following article was originally published on Lenz Blog.

RWE has announced in their latest report on their first six months results (press release in German) that they plan to take 3.1 GW of fossil fuel generating capacity off the market.
The reason they give for that is that wholesale electricity prices are way down in Germany as a consequence of more renewable in the mix. They would be losing money if they needed to sell at these low prices. They don’t, since most of their business is fulfilling contracts from the past couple of years, which still have higher prices, but that effect will be gone soon.
Welt has an excellent article giving some background on this (in German), but it can be easily translated with google....
They show an interesting graphic:

We learn from that: Prices have gone down from the mid term average of around EUR 55 a MWh to less than EUR 40. They estimate the minimum price necessary for gas generation as EUR 70, for coal as EUR 60, for lignite as EUR 45, and even for nuclear power after the plants have already paid back their investment as EUR 40, including a tax on nuclear fuel.
With prices below EUR 40 on the wholesale markets, operators like RWE may want to mothball their nuclear capacity even before they are required to do so by the 2011 law on the nuclear phase-out.
German Green Party Member of Parliament Hans-Josef Fell’s most recent mail newsletter has some very interesting comments on this development.
For one, he notes that this is great news. If RWE can’t even run fossil fuel power plants that have paid back their investment already at these low wholesale market prices, it follows that it doesn’t make any sense to start building new fossil fuel capacity now. Any new plant would need to earn back its capital cost, which is of course impossible.
He also notes how to deal with supply shortages. Under German law, the grid operators are legally liable to guarantee stability of supply. They will need to pay RWE or other owners of mothballed fossil fuel capacity for keeping their plants ready in case they are needed as backup on a windless November evening.

Why isn't this news in America? Do you have to ask? If it is reported, it is mis reported and the facts are skewed from reality. This is the future you are being denied. Clean cheap renewable Energy for everyone and the end of Nuclear and the enslavement to the giant energy corporations who will do anything to hold you in their power for their immediate profits! Become a member of GreenPeace today or take the time to find an organization that you think you could fit in with and find out how you can make this real dream your future instead of the nightmare you are being forced to pay for.

1 comment:

  1. Americans don't pay attention; and they are totally ignorant of anything happening outside of their own country. They know nothing of world affairs - and like it like that.
    the Ol'Buzzard
