Friday, September 06, 2013

I Feel It Coming On Again

The piece of music is the 1980 song by the Robyn Hitchcock's great band, The Soft Boys This version is from a reconstituted version of the band  in 2001 and Robyn dedicates it to Dubya. The song parodied Punk Rock, but ironically it became a much covered punk rock anthem. Frankly, I discovered as a punk/grunge performance artist that through parody, you became the path to reality.  The name of the piece is I Wanna Destroy You, but the poignancy of the lyric: I Feel it Coming on Again Just Like It Did Before, says all I want to say about the recurring War Fever that is gripping the US Media and legislature.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee narrowly passed an authorization to use military force against Assad's Syrian regime. A military foray against Syria has bipartisan support- funny how Congress can agree about blowing the crap out of Middle Easterners but they can't agree to a jobs bill for citizens of the United States (unless they work for military contractors).
While the Assad regime is brutal, the opposition is a multifarious assemblage of disparate groups, ranging from pacifists to Islamic fundamentalist jihadis. My biggest concern is that U.S. foreign policy won't take into account the complexity of the former Syrian society, and that the Sunni/Alawite, Turkish/Arab/Kurdish, Druze/Salafi, and the Just-About-Everybody/Armenian conflicts that threaten to boil over and scald the entire region. The simplistic approach to the Iraq invasion led to a decade of sectarian violence, a conflagration which will only be "fanned" by a poorly-executed attack on Syria.
As if that weren't enough, Russia opposes American intervention and Iran, while not keen on Assad's use of chemical weapons, stands in opposition to U.S. military intervention as well. Does the U.S. government really need to get into a proxy war with Russia and Iran (the true victor in Bush's Iraq War)?

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