Friday, November 15, 2013

Bunkers Of The Rich And Famous

Here's a lovely computer generated simulation of an luxury underground bunker that is secretly built under a family house. If the structure is destroyed by any threat event , your family will survive in the style, or a facsimile or something like that in this designer bunker buried deep underground for an unspecified period of time or when ever the warranty runs out.... but hey? who you gonna sue when the septic tanks back up
The Koch brothers got one, heck, from what I hear, they have an entire mall! All of the rich Scientologists are jumpin on the bunker bandwagon...Tom Cruise and John Travolta have them so they can relax in style while they are waiting for L. Ron Hubbard to come back and rescue them in his luxury Space Yacht!...that's what they paid for, right?
Sure, every one believes that the world is coming to an end and it's not going to very pleasant after the flodds, tornadoes, fraking effect earthquakes, climate change superstorms, floods, nuclear attacks or well, the rapture, for instance or what ever as the zombie hoards come a'knockin at your door, but for a few hundred thousand dollars, there are a few visionary entrepreneurs who can fix you up, because, hey, if you plan ahead, what could possibly go wrong? Hey, Even Michael Jackson had one
A madman in Norway murders scores of innocent boys and girls. Japan loses thousands in a gigantic tsunami. Earthquakes churn the earth. Violent tornadoes sweep America; massive floods, fires and dust storms are a constant menace worldwide. And Iceland’s volcanic eruptions limit international air traffic...
It's not as if the rich and famous have exactly "lost hope", they're banking on it. And score one more for good old American ingenuity and the power of capitalism and greed! For the rich and powerful, a secretive American shelter company provides life-saving reassurance they are looking for.

“They all have a threat event scenario. Whether it is weapons of mass destruction, terrorist attack, nuclear bomb attack, the Mayan Apocalypse of 2012 or Nostradamus; it really doesn’t matter.”
The words of Brian Camden, an owner of Hardened Structures (HS) of Virginia Beach, a US government regulated construction management firm which builds schools, courthouses, prisons, treatment plants and large public capital projects. Customers include NATO which buys fortified aircraft hangers and earth covered ammunition magazines.
What else they do is covered in secrecy.
HS is one of the largest providers of ‘survival shelters” with satellite offices around the globe. Among its owners, says Brian Camden, are two ex US Navy Seals, one of them, known as the ‘Super Seal’. He is US Navy Commander James G. Liddy, son of Watergate figure G. Gordon Liddy.
Commander Liddy is one of America’s top experts on counter- terrorism and critical infrastructure protection. He was attached to the Chief of Naval Operations and lead Seal Team secret operations. Other owners are not known.
Camden reveals, “The US government is the largest shelter builder in the world. It’s been on a shelter building binge for the last 15 years. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has been buying up all dehydrated food. Last week alone it purchased five million meals. They are gearing up like you wouldn’t believe.”
Underground bunkers are believed to be everywhere; below the streets of Washington and New York, under Red Square in Moscow. Even Northern Ireland, population 1.7 million has a 223 person nuclear bunker at Ballymena in County Antrim. And the much threatened Wiki-leaks server is located in an old nuclear bunker in Sweden.
Brian Camden says he's received inquiries from South Africa about private bunkers and from the Japanese government following the tsunami disaster and the projected catastrophe facing Japan in the wake of the botched Fukushima clean up operation.
The present bunkers are built under top secrecy with the names of their owners not revealed. There have been rumors that Michael Jackson had a bunker under his Never Land estate and that a bunker exists beneath Buckingham Palace. HS's man in London revealed they are building large and expensive bunkers in Eastern Canada but,like everything else, their owner's identities are secret.
Unlike those of the Second World War and cold war today’s bunkers are designed for the long term and do not provide just shelter during air raids. The most famous bunker of all time belonged to Adolph Hitler but it was like a Bin Laden cave compared to bunkers of today.
The biggest mansion can be destroyed quickly. But the expensive bunker beneath it can save the lives of its owner and his family even if the home is under water.
Who buys modern shelters? People like the King of Jordan, politicians, movie stars and billionaires in capitols around the world. The construction contract keeps their names and locations secret but Camden admits HS has signed technical assistance agreements with the Turks and Saudis.
Some bunkers even contain prison cells or private torture chambers such as were found in Moammar Gadaffi's private shelters.
Camden said, “People can survive in our shelters for as long as five years without coming out. There are all types of structures: fortified homes are designed to withstand attacks from assault weapons. Such houses cost about $250 per square foot,” That’s about one million dollars for a 4,000 square foot house.
An underground reinforced bunker depends on wall thickness, thickness of the ceiling and its ability to withstand blast overpressure. Designers must know if they will cut through rock or build underwater, if they must make their own concrete or build an access road.
There’s also another modern threat. The shelter must withstand attack by the feared EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse Bomb) which fries everything running on electricity. “It could be just one EMP fortified room or maybe all rooms depending on whether the client wears a pace-maker,” explains Camden.
Some clients believe, even if they’re on top of a mountain, that the shelter must be designed to function completely under water. “They will need fast acting valves, carbon dioxide scrubbers and oxygen making machines,” says Camden.
He believes he could save lives in a tsunami using underwater shelters.
Most bunkers built recently range from 1,800 to 40,000 square feet. But the bunker itself can become a threat to its users. Humidity is a big problem because of moisture that builds up.
Camden explains, “We use a water generator. It looks like an office water fountain. It takes water out of the air and turns into pure drinking water.

Another problem, says Camden, “is a prolonged stay. Studies show people go mad eating stores of dehydrated food and doing nothing. To prevent violence we provide exercise equipment and other shelter dynamics such as movies to keep people healthy. They can always keep busy recharging batteries by pedaling stationary bicycles." Perhaps counting their gold bars would make them feel better.
He admitted, “I find shelters claustrophobic. When I’m in them all day long I like to go up on the surface for about an hour.”
Camden says US Army experts considers about 25 percent loss of life in a prolonged shelter stay and that his clients fully expect to endure a prolonged stay.
It’s not easy to have a survival bunker built,says Camden. “You’ve got to have money, not be part of a criminal enterprise or in the wrong country. We can’t sell to China, Cuba, Iran, Syria, Indonesia, Russia and many other nations.”
Clients must pass strict US Government scrutiny. The HS have a US license that allows them to work on bunkers and projects overseas. The bunkers are regulated under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation.
No local labor is used in the secret construction. Workers are imported temporarily from other countries and sign serious non disclosure papers.
Hardened Structures is licensed by the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives allowing it to import biological, chemical and radiation filters into the United States.
“We have to be certified by the US Government so the material will not be used illegally. The State Department is very serious about this. One US professor was jailed for two years because his Chinese research assistant got access to some new laser technology,” he told me.
“Foreign governments want to use American engineers because they are the best. They strictly follow Department of Defense standards when building bunkers,” said Camden. “US regulations are like a Bible to customers abroad.”
Is there any hope for the common man, who also wants to live through a catastrophe along with the wealthy of the world?
Now the last secret and good news too. You may live after all. There's a bargain version, just for you which can be modified to your personal design specs, within reason of course, as long as it's stuff you can get from IKEA.
The company's biggest seller is a disc-like shelter that can hold six people. It is a sealed, prefabricated bunker containing a Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical filtering system. And it sells for $38,000.
This is not a new idea, of course, here's a version of the idea that dates back to the late 1930' Michael Jackson might well have asked, "What could go wrong?"

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