Sunday, January 12, 2014

Funky Forest

Yeah, well probably one of the strangest things I've seen in a while. From a Japanese film called Funky Forest. Do you think, perhaps,  that this is an an after effect of Fukushima?


  1. Hands Down weirdest video I've seen!(ok ... maybe along with that Sun Ra guy. I suppose you have to call the little suckers out by name, huh? Sounded like he was talking about his momma ....

  2. Hey buddy, I noticed your blog had disappeared. I was a little worried, but I'm glad I heard from you. I liked your blog very much. If you'd like to stay in touch with me, my email is <>.
    I don't blog for the's not so much about ego as self expression....I don't care what anyone thinks about my opinions and esthetic....actually, it's a self education process because when ever I think I know what I am passionately ranting about, in the process of researching what I am writing, I learn the real facts...sometimes I go from point A to Z in the process and form a completely different opinion. That's what it's about...belief is for idiots...I don't believe in anything except that what ever I thought I believed is part of a constant state of re evaluation and evolution of ideas...Maybe someday, I might actually believe something, then perhaps I will die.
