Friday, January 24, 2014

You Can Never Walk Away

You can never walk away, because if you do, they will walk all over you.
 Fascism never sleeps.
I realize in my heart that violence begets violence, but, I also realized and learned the hard way a long long time ago, that the best way to defuse a fascist bully is to confront him and kick him in the fuckin nuts...because fascists only know how to play the intimidation game. Their strength is in the appearance of strength. I have been a supporter of the European anti-fa youth movement for a long time. If you want to learn more, check out La Horde. One of the leaders of this the anti fascist youth movement, Clement Meric was brutally targeted and murdered by a gang fascist thugs connected with the Neo Nationalist Front National Political Party out side of a clothing store in Paris last June 5, 2013. The bastard killed him with steel knuckles because he responded to their taunts and insults with intelligence. After reading about this for months and the attempted cover up of the nazi punk thug orchestrated by lawyers working with the Front National, I believe more strongly than ever that Clement was targeted and murdered by Neo Nazi Nationalists. It gratified me greatly to see anti facho graffiti all over Rome and Umbria when I visited there a few months ago. Clement was a young student at the prestigious Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, where he was an honor student. Interestingly, Sci Po as it is commonly known is the school that many French political leaders came from. He was a small guy, but full of fight active in anti fa militance since the age of 15. He quickly arose to become a leader and public spokesperson, hence, why he became such a prominent target for a fascist thug trying to make a name for himself.
Since the affair began, many of the fascist "youth" movements in France have been outlawed by The Minister of The Interior, Manuel Valls. As far as I am concerned, though you create the desired appearance of martyrdom that fascists exploit to manipulate sympathy in weak minds to recruit with, Valls forceful legal attack on fascist movements is having the desired effect. It is creating the correct atmosphere of criticism and discussion that has been lacking in the hyper sensationalist press dialogue of the phenomena of the rise of fascism and ultra nationalist movements here in Europe. I support and applaud Valls forceful ban on the racist comic, Dieudonne, who became the house negro for the Front National uses anti semetic hate as a way to promote himself and exploit racial tensions for utter profit. ( read here about the latest Dieudonne stupidity...he was arrested because he allegedly fired an illegal flashball firearm at the hussiers, (bailiffs) who were attempting to serve him with a demand for the 65,000 Euros in fines he refuses to pay over convictions of anti semitic statements he has made in the past.) The same thing has been ongoing in Greece with the Golden Dawn fascist far right party. Members of the Golden Dawn have infiltrated the police departments and in September, assassinated antti fa rapper, Killah P, alias of Pavlos Fissas, who was too popular and too intellectually powerful to be allowed to continue for their tastes. The ongoing investigation and violence led to the Greek Government attempting to ban the Golden Dawn Party even though they had managed to get representatives elected in the Greek Government. The Golden Dawn Party had already begun to spread to America and had recruiting offices in a few American cities because the militant rise and spread of fascist hate is a problem in America as well, as you probably know. There has been an active youth anti fascist movement in the USA for years. Many musicians are connected with this movement and New York is a hub of USA Anti Fa activism. I ran across this video from Graz, Austria made on December 15, 2013 of New York City hard core band Madball physically confronting the Austrian Fascist punk thugs trying to disrupt their concert. Madball has been very active in politically combatting the attempts of Fascists to use Hard Core rock as a media to recruit and spread their hate. Here is the video which is found on the AFA Ireland facebook page:
I have nothing but utter respect for these guys. I have had my ass kicked by cops and fascists and confronted crazy people when I made political statements on stage when I was a musician.I still have a few nice scars as souvenirs. You can't walk away. Madball has been kicking ass since the 1980's starting as a side project of fellow NYC Punk rockers, Agnostic Front who I have shared stages with at Tompkin Square Park and CBGB. Of course, it helps to have the physical presence these dudes have to make the proper impression. I wanna hear some more Madball! These guys are incredible!
Fuck Fascism!

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