Friday, January 03, 2014

The Pseudo Human DingleBerry Award

This little ditty is dedicated to the first real Super Connard of 2014...a pathetic excuse for a conservative "intellectual" a man with no real convictions. Too fucking lame to have the balls to stand for anything he claims to believe in. In fact he has no balls, he is just a DINGLEBERRY and not even worth the waste of toilet paper or the effort it would take to wipe his own ass. David Brooks, the man who has never been right about anything, the man who if he actually believed anything he thought he'd give himself up for his past crimes and turn in all of his friends from his wayward youth. An over privileged white rich kid who sat on his ass smoking pot through high school college and enjoyed it, but sort of regrets it now because, kids if you followed his example, you just might turn out to be a lame fucking dingle berry phony conservative intellectual just like him. He confesses to recreational pot smoking now that he is safely ensconced behind his security blanket of wealth and the accoutrements of his conservative creds. He admits enjoying himself, but fuck you and all of the victims of the out of control Justice system, people who couldn't afford his privileges, had their lives ruined and went to prison for being the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time smoking a little pot. Fuck you, David Brooks, you pathetic human dingleberry! This song is for you!

This is the sound track for this post,The magnificent DINGLEBERRY ROCK by M.O.T.O.!
This pathetic patrician pseudo human dingleberry actually wrote in his token conservative column of blather in the Jan. 2, 2014 NY TIMES titled, Weed: Been There. Done That:

"In my teenage years, my friends and I smoked marijuana. It was fun. I have some fond memories of us all being silly together. I think those moments of uninhibited frolic deepened our friendships ... most of us developed higher pleasures. Smoking was fun, for a bit, but it was kind of repetitive. 
But, of course, these are the core questions: Laws profoundly mold culture, so what sort of community do we want our laws to nurture? What sort of individuals and behaviors do our governments want to encourage? I’d say that in healthy societies government wants to subtly tip the scale to favor temperate, prudent, self-governing citizenship. In those societies, government subtly encourages the highest pleasures, like enjoying the arts or being in nature, and discourages lesser pleasures, like being stoned"

This column really gets to the heart of what's wrong with David Brooks. He sees criminalizing millions of people, and all the associated social and financial costs, as a tolerable "subtle" disincentive to something he himself enjoyed. Moreover, the reasons he gives center on the fact he stopped enjoying it when he gained the privilege of access to greater things. He even downplays the alleged medical
the pseudo human self
proclaimed intellectual
ex pot smoking
professional dingleberry,
David Brooks
downsides in favor of what amounts, literally, to a puritan distaste for "lesser pleasures." It really boils down to a pathetic patrician  soul less smirk. He smoked weed and never was hassled, but he is very happy to see you go to jail for it. I don't smoke pot now, but I did when I was young and paid a very heavy price as a victim of a small town police force...I was made an example of for what really was a case of minor possession of pot. I was not a rich privileged kid and I was made an example of. 

I am a little too pissed off  and emotional because this affects me on personal level, to really write a more coherent dissertation of everything I find disgusting about this pseudo human dingleberry. I rather listen to the song I dedicated to him, the magnificent Dingleberry Rock by one of my all time favorite bands ever, M.O.T.O.
Perhaps though you might find this piece,  I Smoked Pot With David Brooks, published today byConnecticut Psychotherapist and Author, Gary Greenberg a quite enlightening satirical takedown ofBrooks....Greenberg, who writes for Mother Jones, wrote the piece on his blog and within minutes it was all over the internet being quoted as fact!. Brooks was even forced to confront the piece and inform people that he had never known Greenberg. Much more entertaining than the sniveling sneer of a self proclaimed intellectual dingleberry. Fuck you David Brooks.
(Translators note: Super Connard is French slang for 
stupendously epic gigunda asshole!)

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