Friday, March 14, 2014

Life can be so complicated and so simple at the same time. I must be outside at least 8 to 9 hours a day, covered with sweat and making my self all achy. If I don't shed blood at least once each day, then I think I've been slacking. But, then I am obsessed with my techy existence...trying to do something new with the media tools I have acquired. I come in the house, sit down at the computer and get grimy finger prints all over my pristine imac as I feverishly catch up with unanswered emails and then read the latest crap from my favorite information sites...I was outside all day today digging up and dividing my strawberry plants so I can expand, fertilize and replant then in a nice new plot with a tarp to discourage weeds....It can not wait, some of the plants were already setting flower! So I'm achy stinky and tired, but then I had this idea...

1 comment:

  1. Beware of a woman with a big butt and a smile.
    the Ol'Buzzard
