Friday, March 21, 2014

Please excuse my next couple of posts...I have a troll lurking under my bridge and I have to feed it. Have another banana, Babe!


  1. My wife once asked me if I had a banana in my pants, or was I just happy to see her. This gif would have been perfect at the time.

    BTW- If you feed a troll, won't they just stick around for more? Like a dog begging for table scraps?

  2. My personal troll is a 300 pound crazy christian conservative woman from the Toledo area and I think I need a few bushels of bananas if I'm gonna feed her. Do you recognize the record covers, both by Andy Warhol?...Sticky Fingers by the Stones and the First Velvet Underground Album....The original Sticky Fingers had a real zipper on the cover and the Velvet Underground album had a "peel off" banana peel sticker with a peeled banana underneath....

  3. I did recognize the Sticky Fingers cover but didn't put the VU together. That's pretty good brother.
    BTW- Is your troll the one who use to drop bombs on Muddy's site? I remember EOK talking about her.

  4. Yeah that was her., but I think she is gone now. I cannot imagine what compelled her to make weighty presence felt here after such a long time. I certainly have no desire to encourage her madness and I refuse to engage her. Any comment by her gets directly flushed into the internet septic system.

  5. I never thought to feed the trolls. Does it work?
    the Ol'Buzzard

  6. Usually, the best thing is to ignore them and flush their comments. They just want you to play, but this particular troll like bananas, so she can have as many as she wants.
