Monday, May 12, 2014

I just watched it for the 8th time!


  1. Deidra9:58 AM

    Hi there,

    You don't know me, but you know my boyfriend: WhyNot. In case you've forgotten, he used to run a blog named "Pourquoi Pas?", hosted by the FR ISP "Free", who saw fit to shut his blog down - shortly after I started participated in it.

    By the way, my name is Deirdre, but WhyNot misunderstood it when I first met him, and subsequently called me Deidra; as I found it rather appealing and exotic, I adopted it straight away.

    I'm Irish, but have lived in France for several decades, in fact ever since my early twenties. I can therefore speak EN and FR fluently.

    Lastly, I'm an "assistante sociale" (you should know what it means, but in case you don't, it means "social worker"). This is the only profession in France which is entirely composed of women (apart from prostitutes, lol).

    Your blog is unusual and rather interesting, both in contents and in terms of presentation. WhyNot told me how you love graphics and used to post funny drawings regularly.

    It is a pity nobody seems interested (judging by the systematic zero-comment response to every one of your articles).

    During the few short weeks I enjoyed PP, I had the pleasure of meeting WhyNot's best friends, Valérie (the waitress in Paris) and Stiletto (the Russian illegal immigrant prostitute). I hope you remember them.

    I fell in love with both of them, even though they are so uniquely different. Valérie is so sweet and easy going, and yet has some pretty daring political views - her heroes being Che Guevara and Trotsky. As to Stiletto ("Olga" by the way), I found her absolutely wonderful: a real Russian nuclear bomb, lol.

    On the other hand I had the horrific displeasure of meeting the infernal bitch from hell, born-again christian psychopath, and Jesus cock-sucker, i.e. Jeanette Lucey.

    Among her many born-again talents, she threatened 8 times to have WhyNot murdered, 4 times to have Stiletto deported from France, and 4 time to have her murdered.

    I have no idea whether it is because of a trait inherited from here Penobscot Injun tribe, or whether it is simply due to severe inbreeding.

    Naturally, when I first appeared on PP, she immediately told me (publicly, i.e. on the blog), that "WhyNot is only interested in one thing: to fuck you".

    Oh well. Takes all kinds to make a world, right? Lol.

    Take care.

  2. Long ago, I stopped thinking about comments. In fact, I write a lot, I post obsessively that I sometimes think and I have been told that it is overwhelming. None the less, I have a few regular commenters and I think I have made a few friends. As I said, I don't really think about getting comments, but I do check my blog counter from time to time and am gratified when one of my pieces gets picked up or linked by another blog. I wish Whynot the very best and I'm happy to know he is still alive and kicking, but I think we are very different people and I had draw a line. Thank you for your comments, Deidra. I still get obnoxious posts from an old Pourquoi pas demon, Barb from Ohio and I have gotten a few very strange posts from Jeanette...but, I feel even giving them the gratification of seeing their bile in print is encouraging them, so I don't feed trolls! I regard my temper as a very valuable asset, so I try not to lose it or waste it on idiots.

  3. I LOVE Pulp Fiction too! I lost count how many times I've seen it - we have it on VHS and DVD. I collect art pottery as a hobby and I was quick to pick up the first hager kangaroo that was available after I saw that movie for the first time. Big fan of QT's werk ...

  4. Deidra8:54 AM


    "I still get obnoxious posts from an old Pourquoi pas demon, Barb from Ohio and I have gotten a few very strange posts from Jeanette"

    Lol. You don't say, lol! Although, from what I read, Barb is a Vienna Choir Girl in comparison with Jeanette. At the very least, she's not a murdering psycopath.

    "but I think we are very different people and I had draw a line."

    Mmm. Interesting. But I see things differently. For instance, take WhyNot's 2 best friends, Stiletto and Valérie: you couldn't find 2 girls more different, and yet WhyNot loves them both. So did I, by the way. And this, in spite of the fact both girls are 25 years younger than us.

    As far as I'm concerned, it's the variety and diversity that makes humankind interesting and worth getting to know.
