Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pitbull Terrier

The fuckin' future from South Africa, brought to you by Die Antwoord (The Answer). From their new recording, DONKER MAG, to be released June 3, 2014.  The future, bilingual, multi cultural, multi racial. Do you think that Yolanda and Ninja create offensive art? Maybe for many, their work is offensive. But it is the subconscious reality of the viewer that is the most frightening aspect as far as I am concerned. They have always been able to tap into that. If you have seen their earlier work, you would have met their artistic director and inspiration, Leon Botha, who was one of the oldest survivors of the disease of progeria, the premature aging syndrome. Botha died in 2011, but left a blazing trail of original art in his short 26 year life.
Here's a 2011 short film they made in collaboration with American film maker, Harmony Korine called 
Umshami Wam


  1. Interesting.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  2. I really loved the short film. Umshini Wam....
