Thursday, May 15, 2014

You've heard about the Heartbreak Hotel...I am temporarily residing in the Palace of Depression in fabulous Vineland, NJ because my best buddy, J. Edgar, who everyone here knows as Stinky is seriously ill! I have been dealing with this all week...trips to the vet and dosing him with pills....I am getting ready to take him back to the vet in Cherveix-Cubas in a few minutes. He never really has gotten sick...I was afraid he had been poisoned or was suffering from Pliroplasmosis. He hasn't eaten anything for 3 days and is very weak and staggers around. The doctor says it is a very serious gastro infection. He seemed better today, he weakly barked at the facteur, his old buddy when le camion de la poste arrived. I offered him some ham at lunch. He still has no appetite. Here is my buddy Stinky, a very handsome exotic mix of border collie and tiekle. Think about him for me, okay?


  1. Best of luck. I have experienced your pain...

    the Ol'Buzzard

  2. Thanks Mr.Buzzard, we just got back from the vets...a half hour drive and got a call from the nurse who said that we had to bring him in tomorrow morning for an intravenous dip. The vet now thinks he definitely ate something poisoned. I know where it happened and I know who did it I'm dealing with a crazy farmer who wants my land and my house...We've had a detente cordiale going on for years, but he's upped the ante on everyone around here. I don't know...what do you think? Should we take him out? I could do it and no one would ever even guess what happened.

  3. I'd take care of my dog and remember my temperament for the present. A difficult task when considering your best friend ...
    best wishes to you and your 'Hoover' for a full and speedy recovery

  4. The subconscious is a tricky sneaky thing so I would recommend proceeding with caution.
    I'm sorry your dog is sick and I think if anyone poisoned my dog... well, I don't know what I'd do. Thank goodness he is getting better.

  5. Thanks for your thoughts....I am a chess player and always try to think a few moves ahead, but I didn't realize what a deadly game I was playing, or that I was even playing this game...but a few incidents have made me realize what is really going on and it's not just me, it concerns everyone in this tiny corner of nowhere. Don't worry, I ain't gonna do anything stupid.

  6. Anonymous9:25 PM


    That is pretty much as low as one could go. Sorry to hear that Microdot. I hope the pup is on the mend soon. That's your buddy from way back.


  7. Anonymous11:56 PM

    I sincerely hope Stinky gets better.
