Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Ha Ha.....

It happened again,  and it happened before and if it keeps on happening, perhaps we might be witnessing some kind of unnatural selection"extinction event". Last Thursday in Macon, Georgia, an unfortunate fellow shot his dick off while trying to shove his gun back into his pants at a gas station.
According to WMAZ Channel 13, the man was parked at a gas station and was attempting to put away the .45 caliber pistol when it discharged, striking him in the groin.
The man immediately drove to a friend’s house. According to police, the victim dropped his pants to find that he had shot himself in the penis and that the bullet had exited his body through the buttocks. As he disrobed, the spent round fell to the floor. 
Not an isolated incident, it's a regular occurrence, here's a link from 2013 cataloguing six count 'em, six similar incidents in less that 3 years. Maybe that's the up side to the open carry laws. If enough of these idiots shoot their dicks off, maybe they'll stop having off spring that will carry on the tradition.
Here's a bonus blast from the past:

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