Sunday, June 08, 2014

Mi Zhi Ji Chi Chuan

Last night, I got to do what I do best! Barbecue! It was the perfect night, after a very hot day of slaving in the vegetable garden and mowing the lawn. I had this recipe kicking around for a classic Beijing street snack...Mi Zhi Ji Chi Chuan. Beijing Chicken Wings! I had wanted to make it, but one of the ingredients is Sichuan Pepper corns and I was going to have to wait until I could visit the Oriental Epicerie in Perigueux to get some, but I was in the LIDL Market in Terrasson on Friday and they are having an Asiatic food promo and there they were....I picked up a few bags of Sichuan Pepper corns and lots of chicken wings. It's pretty simple, but you have to really marinade the wings over night. My marinade was 1/4 cup of Soy, a big soupspoon of peanut oil, about 1/8 cup of the peppercorns crushed, 2 table spoons of regular ground black pepper, 2 tablespoons of honey and a few spoons of toasted sesame oil, about 6 cloves of finely chopped garlic, a thumb sized piece of peeled fresh ginger finely chopped, 2 scallions finely chopped and little really don't need much salt, because the soy sauce is pretty salty. I used my favorite rich dark Pearl River Brand soy. So the wings go in the marinade over night. About a half hour before you cook them take the wings out and to let them warm up and reduce the marinade in a sauce pan until it thickens.
I also made a seasoning sauce to serve with the wings using some soy, chili garlic paste, a little rice wine vinegar, a little oil and just a bit of honey.
I lit the grill, and when the coals were hot, I put the wings on. They should get some blackened patches on them and baste them with the reduced marinade. They cook pretty quickly. I knew they would be good, but they were really great! The two of us finished them pretty quickly with a very simple salad. Then we had as many of my freshly picked raspberries with sugar and thick cream as we could eat!
A perfect night to eat in the garden! I can't wait to do this recipe again!
Go Ahead, Check 'Em Out!


  1. What a beautiful place.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  2. On paper, I'm a pauper, but in my mind, I'm the luckiest guy in the world.

  3. That looks good as all get out! My mouth is watering! Great photos by the Missus, too.
